The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is conducting a walleye tagging study on the Staunton River to determine the level of angler pressure on this developing fishery. DWR is currently studying walleye fisheries around the state to determine the amount of harvest that occurs in waters that DWR manages. The results will be used to help monitor and maintain the walleye population. Walleye will be tagged in locations between Leesville Lake dam to Buggs Island Lake.
Tags will be located near the fish’s dorsal fin. If anglers catch a tagged walleye, they can remove the tag by cutting through the monofilament attachment with scissors or a knife. The fish can then be released or harvested (minimum length limits apply).
The tags should then be sent to the address printed on the tag along with information about the catch including date of catch, location of catch, whether the fish was harvested or released, and if you were targeting walleye or fishing for another species. Any tag returned will result in a $20 reward sent to the angler. The information we gather is vital for proper management of walleye in the Staunton River.
For more information, contact DWR Aquatic Biologist Dan Michaelson: 434-392-4369