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2022 Walleye Fishing Forecast

In March fisheries biologists and hatchery staff collect adult Walleye from the New River, Staunton River, and South Holston Reservoir for the production of fingerling Walleye to stock in selected lakes and rivers in Virginia. Walleye spawned or hatched at Vic Thomas, Front Royal, King and Queen, and Buller Fish Cultural Stations, are raised in ponds until they are about 1.5 to 2 inches in length. Ponds are harvested and walleye fingerlings are stocked in locations across the state. Additionally, female Walleye are crossed with male Sauger to produce the hybrid Saugeye. Saugeye perform well in some systems and are stocked with or in place of Walleye. In 2021, Virginia DWR stocked approximately 1,049,811 Walleye or Saugeye fingerlings. Overall, in 2021 hatchery production was good and should lead to good Walleye fishing in 2022. The following table lists some of the lakes and rivers stocked and offers a rating of the population as “Excellent” (an abundant population), “Good” (decent numbers), or “Fair” (a few). For those anglers who want more in depth information on a particular water what follows are specific reports of Walleye sampling results and fishing details for the individual waters listed in the table. Anglers who want the challenge of catching a Walleye or Saugeye should fish one of the locations in this forecast.

Download the 2022 Virginia Walleye Fishing Forecast

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