Virginia Department of Wildlife ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Frequently-Asked Questions About the VARP

Are there separate applications for Master and Expert Angler Awards, or Angler of the Month and Year?

No. Anglers are automatically registered for these awards when they register their trophy fish using the trophy fish award application. Our computers keep track of the type and size of every fish registered to every angler. The program then flags us when an angler becomes a Master or Expert. To find out who catches the largest fish each month we run a specific.

Please note that our computer program was upgraded in 1995. If you have records prior to this and think that you qualify as an Expert or Master Angler please contact us. Your records may need to be checked manually.

How do I register my fish by weight?

You must take your fish to a weigh station that has scales certified for public trade and have it weighed there. The clerk must sign the witness portion of the application.

How do I register my fish by length or photo?

You must use a measuring rule and then have an observer sign the witness portion of the application. If you are alone, you must photograph the fish next to a measuring rule, complete the witness information yourself and send the photo in along with your application.

How do I get some blank trophy fish applications?

You can download it here on site. See Trophy Freshwater Fish Award Application. Or, you can obtain them at Department of Game and Inland Fisheries offices, bait and tackle shops, or contact our office at (804) 367-1000 or email and we can mail you some.

Can I use my own scale to certify a fish by weight?

No. To certify a fish by weight you must take it to a store that has scales certified for public trade. The reason for this is that hand held scales can be very inaccurate. Since some of our awards rely on accurate weights (Angler of the Month and Year) we need to be assured that the weights that are submitted are correct.