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Virginia Trout Slam Challenge

Artwork by Ron Shearer.

What is the Virginia Trout Slam?

The Virginia Trout Slam is a challenge to anglers to catch all three species of trout (Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Brown Trout) all in the same day. Both stocked fish and wild fish of any size count toward the slam, but catching all three in a wild trout stream is the ultimate trifecta. Chasing the slam not only offers a new challenge to anglers, but it also promotes some of our lesser known trout fisheries. It adds adventure to a fishing trip by forcing the angler to explore new streams in an attempt to complete the slam.

Trout Slam Submissions

Once anglers complete the slam, they are encouraged to submit their catch to the DWR Trophy Fish Program, via Go Outdoors VA. Log In, click on make a purchase, Click on Fishing, and choose Trout Slam Application. Once the form is processed, the angler will be mailed a Virginia Trout Slam sticker. Display it proudly, and don’t forget to tag us on Instagram (@VirginiaWildlife) and use #vatroutslam!

Planning Your Trout Fishing Trip

Anglers are encouraged to use the Interactive Trout Map to locate streams to complete the slam. There are many options to build your own trip, but below are some pre-planned trips you can try. Click on the waterbodies below to get directions. The directions will take you to public waters, but anglers need to be aware of and respect private property adjacent to the public sections. Hiking may be required to access certain waters. For stocked trout waters, consult the Daily Trout Stocking Schedule. Anglers are responsible for knowing the regulations and licensing requirements for each waterbody.

Photo by Meghan Marchetti/DGIF

Pre-Planned Trout Fishing Trips

North West Virginia

Augusta County:

Bath County:

Highland County:

Madison County:

Shenandoah County:

Rockbridge County:

*Trout are stocked as advanced fingerlings

Regional Contact: Jason Hallacher (Assistant Fisheries Biologist) – (540)-248-9360

West Central Virginia

Amherst County:

Botetourt County:

Nelson County:

 Regional Contact: Dan Wilson (Fisheries Biologist) – (434)-525-7522

South West Virginia

Carrol County:

Giles County:

Grayson County:

  • Big Wilson Creek: Wild Brook Trout, Brown Trout & Rainbow Trout
  • Fox Creek: Wild and Stocked Brook Trout, Brown Trout & Rainbow Trout

Smyth County:

Washington County:

  • Whitetop Laurel:  Wild and Stocked Brook Trout, Brown Trout & Rainbow Trout 

Regional Contact: Steve Owens (Fisheries Biologist) – (276)-783-4860

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