This section of the Department’s website provides quick and easy access to agency forms, including various license, permit, and boating registration & titling applications.
The majority of the forms listed are provided in PDF and require the free Adobe Reader program to view and print. Completed forms and associated fees, if applicable, should be mailed to the address listed on the form. If you have questions about a form, need assistance, or can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us.
Jump to: Permit Forms | License Forms | Boating Forms | Watercraft Dealer Forms | Law Forms | Other Forms
Permit Forms
- Applicable fees are application fees which are non-refundable and payment must be made at the time of application. Payment must be in the form of a check or money order (credit cards are no longer accepted for permit application fees).
- Applications and application fees must be mailed to the Permits Section (mailing address is provided on the application form) except for the Bird Banding, Scientific Collection, Threatened and Endangered Species, and Salvage Permit applications which must be sent electronically to These four permits must have their applications sent electronically as they are shared with agency subject matter experts before they can be approved. The application fee for these four specific permits must be mailed in (to the address listed on the permit applications) along with a completed copy of the first page of the application form.
- All applications must be complete – please ensure that you have included all necessary information on your application as incomplete applications will be returned, unprocessed to the applicant.
- Permit applicants should allow for a minimum of thirty (30) days for the receipt and processing of all applications. Applicants for Bird Banding, Scientific Collection, Threatened and Endangered Species, and Salvage Permits should anticipate more than a thirty (30) day processing time for those permit applications as those have to be reviewed and approved by Department biologists prior to issuance.
- Animal Population Control Permit (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit Information Materials (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Dog Field Trial Permit
- Eel Pot Permit Application For Sale (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Eel Pot Permit Application For Personal Use
- Exhibit Wild Animals in Virginia Permit
- Falconry Regulations, Facilities, and Equipment: Examination Guidance Document
- Falconry Application
- Passage Peregrine Falcon Permit Application
- Gill Net Permit – VA Beach Only
- Grass Carp for Aquatic Vegetation Control in Private Ponds (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Haul Seine Permit to Catch Minnows and Chubs for Sale
- Haul Seine Permit to Take Fish for Personal Use
- Haul Seine Permit to Take Nongame Fish for Sale
- Hold and Sell Certain Fish, Snakes, Snapping Turtles, and Hellgrammites for Sale Permit
- Import and Possess Certain Non-Native (Exotic) Wildlife in Virginia (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Import Tilapia and Clawed Frogs
- Licensed Shooting Preserve Application
- Nonresident Harvester’s Permit to Take or Catch Fish in Back Bay and its Tributaries
- Foxhound Training Preserve Permit Conditions and Report Form
- Permit to Collect Snapping Turtles and Hellgrammites for Sale (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Permit to Deal in Furs
- Possess, Propagate, Buy and Sell Certain Wildlife in Virginia (Fish)
- Possess, Propagate, Buy and Sell Certain Wildlife in Virginia (Sunfish)
- Possess, Propagate, Buy and Sell Certain Wildlife in Virginia (Wildlife)
- Propagate and Sell Certain Raptors in Virginia (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Raccoon Hound Field Trial Permit
- Special Use Authorization (Boat Landings and WMAs) (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Supplemental Amendment Form for Virginia Scientific Collection, Salvage, or Endangered Species Permit (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Taxidermy Application (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Virginia Endangered/Threatened Species Permit (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Virginia Scientific Collection or Salvage Permit (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Virginia Bird Banding Permit (You may apply online through Go Outdoors Virginia)
- Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit Conditions
- Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit Application
- Wildlife Rehabilitation Report Form
- Wildlife Rehabilitation Veterinarian Signature Form
- Wildlife Rehabilitation Sponsor Signature Form
Permits: Collecting, Holding, Exhibiting, and Releasing Wildlife
The Department enforces the laws, regulations, and guidelines governing the collection, holding, exhibiting, and release of wildlife by issuing permits and guidelines for these activities. Learn more.
License Forms
(* Form links with an asterisk meet the criteria for local treestand exemptions per §29.1-528.2 enacted in 2018.)
- Lifetime Licenses
- Resident Disabled Lifetime License (Hunting, Trapping, Freshwater Fishing, and Saltwater Fishing) *
- Non-Resident Disabled Lifetime Saltwater Fishing License
- Virginia Resident Disabled Veteran’s Lifetime License (Hunting, Freshwater Fishing) *
- Special Annual Basic Freshwater Fishing & Hunting License for Non-Resident Disabled Veterans *
- Replacement/Duplicate Lifetime License Application
- Physician’s Affidavit for Disabled Hunting and Freshwater Fishing License *
- Special Guest Fishing License Application
- Certification for Domicile Resident Licenses and Permits to Hunt, Fish, or Trap in Virginia
- Youth Hunter Education Compliance Form
- Disabled Arrowgun Authorization for Special Archery Season
- Disabled Hunter Local Treestand Exemption Form
Boating Forms
Form Number | Abbreviated Name of Form | Use | Forms Also Required |
1 | Application to Register & Title a Boat | Application to register and title a new or used boat | None |
2 | Certification for Boat Not Previously Registered | To inform Department why a used boat has no previously issued registration numbers | Form 1 |
3 | Transfer when Owner is Deceased | To change ownership when one or more of the owners have died | Form 1 |
4 | Transfer when Title or Bill of Sale Not Available | To be used when new owner cannot obtain the title from the seller (for titled boats) | Form 1 |
5 | Transfer by Operation of Law | To be used when the new owner received ownership by some operation of law such as bankruptcy, execution sale, court order, etc. | Form 1 |
6 | Transfer of Abandoned Boat | To apply for ownership of a boat abandoned on your property for at least 60 days. | Form 1 |
7 | Transfer of Boats Found Estray and Adrift | To apply for ownership of boats that have washed up on your property or found adrift on the public waters | Form 1 |
8 | Length Certification | To report to the Department why the length of a used boat is different than the length on the existing registration | Form 1 |
10 | Change in Ownership or Registration Information | To report to the Department when a boat is sold, abandoned, or destroyed, or when other information about the owner changes (address, military status, etc.) | None |
11 | Duplicate and Replacement Registration Card, Decals, or Title | Application to obtain additional registration cards or replacement decals or title | None |
12 | Motor Change | To report the change of a motor currently listed on the title (the new or old motor must be over 25 horsepower) | Original Title |
13 | Watercraft Sales Tax Payment | For use by those wishing to pay the 2% watercraft sales and use tax on boats they will not register with the Department (usually boats to be documented with the U.S. Coast Guard | None |
15 | Ownership of Watercraft | To be used to learn the owner name and address for a registered boat | None |
19 | Notification of Recovery of a Stolen Boat or Motor | To notify the Department that a boat or motor that had been previously reported as stolen has been recovered | None |
21 | Supplemental and Transfers of Liens | Used by the lienholder to add a lien to a boat or report that an existing lien was transferred to a new lienholder. | None |
22 | Statement of Repossession | For the lienholder to notify the Department of repossession | None |
23 | Court Ordered Liens | To be used by government officials to report to the Department when a court ordered lien is placed on a boat | None |
Mechanic’s Liens | For mechanics or shops to obtain authority to sell a boat when the owner does not pay for repairs | None | |
25 | Storage Liens | For storage facilities and marinas to obtain authority to sell a boat when the owner does not pay for storage | None |
26 | Vessel Search for Captain’s License | To obtain information on all boats owned by an individual in support of their application for a U.S. Coast Guard captain license | None |
Commissioner’s Report of Change of Address | Notification of change in address and/or county or city in Virginia where a numbered vessel is normally garaged, docked, or parked (Commissioner of the Revenue Use Only) | None | |
Boating Accident Report | To be used when a boat is involved in a reportable accident | None | |
Regulatory Waterway Marker Application and Information | (No Wake, Danger, Swimming Area, etc.) | None |
Watercraft Dealer Forms
- Dealer Licensing Fact Sheet
- Dealer Licensing Policies and Procedures
- Watercraft Dealer Bond
- Dealer or Manufacturer Demonstration Registration (Certificate of Number)
- Consumer Complaint Form
Law Forms
(* Form links with an asterisk meet the criteria for local treestand exemptions per §29.1-528.2 enacted in 2018.)
- Boating Accident Report
- Physician’s Affirmation as to a Person’s Permanent Inability to Walk *
(Prerequisite for permit to shoot from vehicle as allowed in § 29.1-521.3 Code of Virginia)