Virginia Department of Wildlife ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

GIS Data

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) creates and maintains a variety of spatial data. The table below lists datasets available via download with links to metadata.

Dataset – link to metadata
DWR Features
DWR Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Boundaries
DWR Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Roads
DWR Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Facilities
DWR Maintained Boating Access Locations
DWR Regions
DWR Fish Hatcheries
Outdoor Recreation Data
Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail – Sites & Loops
Virginia’s Public Fishing Lakes
Stocked Trout Lakes
Stocked Trout Reaches
Public Huntable Lands
Fishing Piers
Public Access Lands for Sportsmen (PALS)
Wildlife Features
Anadromous Fish Use Areas
Cold Water Streams Survey (CWSS) – trout streams
Wildlife Conservation Planning Data
Tier I Species Habitats – Wildlife Action Plan
Tier I and II Species Habitats – Wildlife Action Plan
Virginia’s Ecoregions
Priority Conservation Areas (shapefile) – Coastal Zone
Coastal Virginia Ecological Value Assessment (shapefile)

DWR maintains other spatial data not available via download. These data include: wildlife species observations, threatened or endangered species locations, and other sensitive wildlife resources. Most of these datasets are accessible through the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information System or the Wildlife Environmental Review Map Service (WERMS). If you are interest in obtaining these or other datasets, please e-mail the GIS Manager at There may be a cost recovery fee charged to for-profit entities.