Virginia Department of Wildlife ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Shooting Preserves

Pen-raised game birds may be taken on licensed shooting preserves from September 1 through April 30. There are a number of shooting preserves in Virginia authorized through permits by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. For additional information on hunting preserves in Virginia, visit the Virginia Hunting Preserve Association.

License Requirements

  • A state resident hunting pen-raised game birds on a licensed shooting preserve is required to have either a state or county resident hunting license.
    • A resident junior hunting license (age 12 to 15; optional for under 12 years old) is $8.50.
  • A nonresident is required to have either a state nonresident license or a special nonresident shooting preserve license which is valid only within the boundaries of a licensed shooting preserve and available for $23.
    • A nonresident junior license under age 12 is $13 and age 12 to 15 is $16.

Additional state ($10) and federal ($28.00) migratory stamps are required for hunting ducks or other waterfowl on shooting preserves.

To Purchase a License

Both state residents and nonresidents can purchase licenses by creating an account in Go Outdoors Virginia from any computer. You can also download the Go Outdoors Virginia App on your mobile device to purchase the required licenses.

Find a Hunting Preserve

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