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Virginia Lifetime Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Open the door to a lifetime of enjoyment in the great outdoors of the Commonwealth of Virginia with a Lifetime Hunting, Freshwater, Trout and/or Saltwater Fishing License and leave an endowment for future generations of Virginia’s wildlife enthusiasts.

Funds from Virginia’s lifetime license sales are deposited into a lifetime endowment fund from which only interest accrued will be used to support habitat and wildlife programs. Your license dollars will fund projects today and continue to fund others for years to come.

As a purchaser of a lifetime license, you will be entitled to hunt, fish, or trap for your lifetime, even if you move out of state. Please note that lifetime license holders may still need to purchase annual licenses for bear, deer or turkey, archery, muzzleloader, or other permits as required.

In addition to the standard paper lifetime license, add a durable credit card-style license (pictured here) that fits easily in your wallet!

Lifetime License Application Forms:

Disabled Lifetime Licenses

IMPORTANT: Disabled Documentation Requirement