Virginia Department of Wildlife ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Hunter, Trapper, and Angler Surveys

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources conducts multiple surveys every year to track hunting, trapping, and angling effort and harvest as well as collect information on attitudes and opinions of our constituents. This information is used to guide DWR’s management decisions and provides long-term trend data in monitoring of wildlife populations. The participation of hunters and anglers like you is vital to the success of this program and ensures that we have the data necessary to manage Virginia’s wildlife and inland fish to serve the needs of the Commonwealth.

The following surveys are currently ongoing, if you have received an invitation please respond either by mail, email, or follow the link below to complete the survey. Note: some online surveys may require a login ID to access the survey, which will be found in your invitation.

Thank you for your participation! For information or questions about any of our surveys, please contact