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Elk Viewing Tours

Join two knowledgeable guides on an evening bus tour of Virginia’s elk country in scenic Buchanan County this fall. These public elk-viewing tours, offered by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) in partnership with Breaks Interstate Park, will travel through private lands, with special permission from the landowners, to view elk habitats that are otherwise inaccessible to the public. Pre-registration is required.

Dates and Times

Evening elk tours will be offered weekly starting September 8th and continuing into October.

  • September: 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. September tours begin at 6:00 pm EST.
  • October: 4th, 18th, and 25th. October tours begin at 5:00 pm EST.


Tours meet at Southern Gap Outdoor Adventures (1124 Chipping Sparrow Road, Grundy VA 24614).

What to Expect

Tours will last 2–3 hours. We will have one or two designated stopping locations along the way where you can get out of the bus to see the elk. However, the tour and viewing of the elk will primarily take place from the bus. Tours will conclude at Southern Gap Outdoor Adventures. Restrooms will be available at Southern Gap Outdoor Adventures and at one stop during the tour.

How to Sign Up

Each tour will be limited to 25 guests who will be required to pre-register through the DWR website. Both registration and cancellation will be closed 24 hours prior to any tour date.

Select a Date Below to Register:


These tours are free, so there is no cost to register. However, if you register and can no longer attend the tour, please cancel your reservation, so that your seat can be filled by someone else.

What to Bring

We suggest bringing a camera, binoculars, and water. Plan on wearing footwear appropriate for the outdoors and bring a raincoat and an extra layer. (There will be some opportunities to get out of the bus.)


  • Participants under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Pets are NOT allowed on the tour.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, please remain within arm’s reach of the bus.