Green Treefrog

Fact File

Scientific Name: Hyla cinerea

Classification: Amphibian

Size: Up to 2 inches

Distribution: This species primarily occurs in the Coastal Plain with scattered records in the Piedmont. Represented as red dots on the range map, there are also introduced populations in the western region of the state in Pulaski and Craig counties. Green Treefrogs prefer floating and emergent vegetation along the swampy edges of ponds, lakes, marshes, streams and other freshwater habitats. They may occasionally occupy sites with brackish water.

Identifying Characteristics

This small, slender frog is typically bright green, but can be various shades of gray or brown. Usually, there is a conspicuous white to yellowish stripe along each side extending from beneath the eye back to the groin. However, this stripe may be reduced or absent in some populations. Many individuals have tiny gold specks on their back. Toe pads are prominent.

Did You Know?

Green Treefrogs appear to be expanding their range in some areas.

Role in the Web of Life

This species breeds from April-August. Their advertisement call is a repeated nasal quank, quank, quank in quick succession. A single female may deposit multiple clutches throughout the breeding season with each having up to 1,000 eggs.


Species appears to be secure in Virginia.

Last updated: March 23, 2021