Squirrel Treefrog

Fact File

Scientific Name: Hyla squirella

Classification: Amphibian

Size: Up to 1.6 inches

Distribution: This species is found only in the eastern half of the state. It frequently occurs near dwellings, gardens, thickets, and wells.

Identifying Characteristics

This small frog is extremely variable in color and pattern, ranging from nearly unicolor to various mottled shades of green and brown. There is often a dark spot or bar between the eyes. There may be a light stripe along the side of the body. It lacks the gold flecks often seen in Green Treefrogs.

Did You Know?

Another common name is “rain frog” as they will often start to call after a drop in barometric pressure from an approaching rain storm.

Role in the Web of Life

This species breeds from April-August in a variety of habitats including marshes, grassy ponds, ditches, and shallow pools. Although primarily nocturnal, they can be heard calling during the day. The advertisement call is a nasal, raspy waak, waak, waakand sounds much like the alarm call of a gray squirrel. A single female may deposit more than 1,000 eggs.


Species appears to be secure in Virginia.

Last updated: March 23, 2021