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First Class Officer William Bostic Named 2021 Conservation Police Officer of the Year

By DWR Press Release

Photos by Meghan Marchetti/DWR

The Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) announced that First Class Conservation Police Officer William “Tim” Bostic has been named the 2021 Conservation Police Officer of the Year.

Natural resources law enforcement is a unique form of community policing that takes an unwavering commitment to a lifestyle of service. It is clear to everyone who works with First Class Officer Bostic that he inherently loves the work that he does and believes in the importance of DWRs mission to conserve, connect and protect the citizens and wildlife of the Commonwealth. Tim’s extensive knowledge of the community in which he serves (for more than 14 years) has enabled him to establish and maintain deep connections, cultivating valuable sources of information.

Using this knowledge, Tim has become a mentor to other DWR Conservation Police Officers (CPOs), sharing a wealth of information and experience to ensure that future officers can carry forth the tradition of excellence in natural resources policing in Virginia’s Piedmont region. Tim is the district leader in all aspects of law enforcement including violations detected and custodial arrests, OUIs, DUIs, and felony arrests.

Tim’s commitment to excellence and teamwork has earned him Virginia’s Conservation Police Officer of the Year title. His community-focused approach to addressing poaching concerns and boating safety problem areas has provided an example for his fellow officers to follow and has demonstrated the finest qualities of our profession.

DWR is proud to have Officer Bostic on their team, and even prouder to have him serving the citizens of the Commonwealth. Congratulations!

  • June 7, 2022