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Public Boating Access

County/CityWaterbodyAccess AreaBarrier FreeTypeRampsCoordinatesMapDirections
AccomackMessongo CreekHammockNoConcrete Ramp137.9037, -75.6831MapFrom Temperancev. Rt 13 turn W. Rt 695 (9.5), turn S. Rt 788 (1 mi.)
AccomackPungoteague CreekHarbortonYesConcrete Ramp237.6662, -75.8305MapFrom Pungoteague, West on Rt.180 (3) to Harborton. Access at end of Rt. 180
AccomackQueen Sound ChannelQueens SoundNoConcrete Ramp137.9348, -75.4197MapOn Rt 175 to Chincoteague from Wallop Station, * Very limited parking
AlbemarleAlbemarle LakeLake AlbemarleYesConcrete Ramp138.0888, -78.6265MapFrom Charlottsville, Rt 601 West (4.7);L on 676 (1.1);R on Rt 614 (3.8);L on Rt 675(2.7)
AlbemarleBeaver Creek LakeBeaver Creek LakeNoConcrete Ramp138.0737, -78.6535MapFrom Charlottsville, Rt 250 West (.7); R on Rt 680 to Lake
AlbemarleJames RiverHowardsvilleYesConcrete Ramp137.7331, -78.6455MapFrom Rte. 626 Turn right on Rt. 602/Howardsville Turnpike and proceed 0.1 miles to the boat landing.
AlbemarleJames RiverScottsvilleYesConcrete Ramp137.7970, -78.4932MapTown of Scottsville, Ferry Street
AlleghanyJackson RiverLow MoorNoShoreline Access037.8000, -79.8712MapFrom Low Moor exit (I64), N. 100 yds, E., on Rt. 1101, Follow Signs to Access
AlleghanyJackson RiverIsland Ford IINoShoreline Access037.7792, -79.9334MapFrom Covington, E. on Rt. 1104 (2 mi. on right)
AlleghanyJackson RiverClifton ForgeYesConcrete Ramp137.8136, -79.8248MapFrom Br. 220 Town of Clifton Forge, South of River, turn West on Verge St. - Follow to site on right.
AlleghanyLake MoomawLake Moomaw (Coles Point)YesConcrete Ramp137.9487, -79.9690MapFrom Covington, Rt 60 West (4); R on Rt 600 (9.5)
AmeliaAmelia County LakeAmelia Lake (WMA)YesConcrete Ramp137.4638, -77.9214MapFrom Rt 360, Rt 604 North (4.9);L on Rt 616 (1.4); R on Rt 652 (.9) to W.M.A.
AmherstJames RiverSnowdenNoConcrete Ramp137.5969, -79.3893MapFrom Snowden, Rt 501/130 East cross over Rocky Roe Run (1)
AmherstMill Creek ReservoirMill CreekYesConcrete Ramp137.6613, -79.0813MapFrom Amherst, Northwest on Rt 645 (9.5)
AmherstStonehouse LakeStone House CreekNoConcrete Ramp137.6733, -79.1194MapFrom Amherst west, Rt 60 West (6); R on 778 (2.4); L on Rt 610 (.3); R on Rt 625 (.3); L
AmherstThrasher’s LakeThrasher’s CreekNoConcrete Ramp137.6709, -79.1358MapFrom Amherst, Rt 60 North (8); R on Rt 610 (1.5); L on Rt 617 (.5); L on Rt 829 (.4)
AppomattoxJames RiverBent CreekNoConcrete Ramp137.5355, -78.8278MapAt Bent Creek at the intersection of Rt 60 and Rt 26
ArlingtonPotomac RiverGravelly PointYesConcrete Ramp238.8638, -77.0412MapGeorge Washington Memorial Parkway, N of National Airport
BedfordJames RiverReed Creek LandingNoConcrete Ramp137.5246, -79.3498MapFrom Big Island take 501 South, access adjacent to Georgia Pacific Plant on the River
BedfordSmith Mountain LakeHales FordYesConcrete Ramp137.1429, -79.6569MapFrom Moneta, Rt122 S(1.5),LRt695(1.25),R Rt828(1.5)R Meadow Pt. Dr(.25)R OakHollowRd(.25
BedfordSmith Mountain LakeHardy FordYesConcrete Ramp237.2200, -79.8013MapFrom Stewertsville, Rt 24 West (2.4); L on Rt 635 (1.5);L on Rt 634(3.7)
BotetourtJames RiverBuchananNoConcrete Ramp137.5299, -79.6794MapTown of Buchanan
BotetourtJames RiverCraig CreekNoShoreline Access037.6457, -79.8144MapUnder Rt. 220 Bridge at Rt. 683
BotetourtJames RiverArcadiaNoShoreline Access037.5546, -79.6371MapFrom Buchanan, N. Rt. 11, E. Rt. 614, 1 1/2 mi.
BotetourtJames RiverSpringwoodNoShoreline Access037.5476, -79.7425MapFrom Buchanan, Rt 43 North (3.5); L on Rt 630 to (1); to Rt 601
BotetourtJames RiverIrongateNoShoreline Access037.7739, -79.7826MapFrom Irongate, Rt. 220
BotetourtJames RiverHorseshoe BendNoConcrete Ramp137.5890, -79.7278MapFrom Buchanan. West on Rt. 43 (7mi)
BrunswickBrunswick County LakeBrunswick LakeYesConcrete Ramp136.7942, -77.7422MapFrom Lawrenceville, Rt 58 East (4); L on Rt 638 (2)
BrunswickGreat CreekGreat Creek WatershedYesConcrete Ramp136.7784, -77.8907MapFrom Lawrencev. N. Rt. 46, 2 1/2 mi, W. on road before school (1/2 mi.)
BrunswickLake GastonPea HillYesConcrete Ramp136.5694, -77.8679MapFrom Gasburg East on Rt 626 (.9); L on Rt 705
BuckinghamHorsepen LakeHorsepen Lake WMANoConcrete Ramp137.5104, -78.5542MapFrom Buckingham, South on Route 638 (3); L into WMA 1 mile to Landing
BuckinghamJames RiverNew CantonYesConcrete Ramp137.7096, -78.2998MapFrom Arvonia Rt. 15, N. app.2 mi, E. Rt 670, N. beyond P.O. (1/2/mi.
BuckinghamSlate River WatershedSlate River WatershedYesShoreline Access037.4582, -78.6426MapFrom Sliders, North on Rt 24 (.25);R on Rt 636 (3.25);L on Rt 640 (.8) to L on Forest Rd
CampbellJames RiverJoshua FallsYesBoat Slide037.4192, -79.0405MapFrom Kelly on Rt 460 to N. Rt 726 (4)
CampbellStaunton RiverAltavistaYesConcrete Ramp237.1056, -79.2863MapFrom the Town of Altavista take Route 688 south to English Park
CampbellStaunton RiverBrooknealNoConcrete Ramp137.0383, -78.9437MapTown of Brookneal off Rt 40 & 501 South
CampbellStaunton RiverLong IslandYesConcrete Ramp137.0750, -79.0983MapTown of Long Island off Rt 761
CarolineMattaponi RiverWrights LandingNoShoreline Access138.0604, -77.3839MapFrom Bowling green, take Paige Rd (route 605), landing is on the right prior to bridge for Mattaponi River
CarolineMattaponi RiverMilford LandingNoShoreline Access138.0175, -77.3801MapFrom Milford take route 722 landing is on right after crossing bridge for Mattaponi River
CarolineRappahannock RiverPort Royal LandingYesGravel Access138.1724, -77.1890MapLocated in Town of Port Royal. End of King Street (1 block east of Rt. 301)
CarrollLovills Creek LakeLovill’s CreekYesConcrete Ramp136.5798, -80.6429MapFrom Rt. 52 at NC state line, North on Rt. 52 (1), East on Rt. 686 to Lake entrance
CarrollNew RiverIvanhoeNoShoreline Access036.8223, -80.9494MapFrom Rt. 94 (S. of Ivanhoe), turn East on Rt. 658, follow under New River Trail, turn left into site.
CarrollNew RiverByllesby PoolYesConcrete Ramp136.7736, -80.9366MapFrom the Town of Riverhill, N on Rt 739 to the River
Charles CityChickahominy RiverMorris CreekYesConcrete Ramp137.3000, -76.8990MapBetween Rt 5 & Rt 60; Rt 621 off Rt 623 in Chickahominy WMA
Charles CityMorris CreekMorris Creek/623NoGravel Access137.3181, -76.9358MapFrom Route 5 take route 623 landing is on immediate right after crossing Morris Creek
CharlotteStaunton RiverClarkton BridgeNoConcrete Ramp136.9779, -78.8966MapFrom Rt40 at Womacks , S on Rt 649 to W. on Rt 619 at Harrisburg to S. Rt 620 to River
Notice: Clarkton Bridge Boat Landing, located just off Rt. 620 (Clarkton Bridge Road), in Charlotte County has been permanently closed to public access. Boaters are encouraged to use the DWR Boat Landing located off US 501 at Brookneal or the Watkins Bridge Boat Landing on Rt. 746 north of Clover.
ChesterfieldJames RiverRobious LandingYesBoat Slide037.5591, -77.6473MapFrom Rt147&Rt711(Robious Rd.),West on Rt711(3),follow Chesterfield Park sign to river
ClarkeS. Fork Shenandoah RiverBerry’sNoConcrete Ramp139.0412, -77.9985MapRt 50 East of Rt 340 (5.5)
ClarkeShenandoah RiverCastleman’s FerryNoConcrete Ramp139.1239, -77.8911MapFrom Berryville East on Rt 7; R on Rt 606
ClarkeShenandoah RiverLockesNoConcrete Ramp139.1015, -77.9648MapFrom Berryville, East on Rt 7 (3);R on Rt 621 (8.4)
CulpeperMt. Run LakeMountain Run LakeYesConcrete Ramp138.4795, -78.0698MapFrom Culpeper, South on Rt 29 (1.8) from Rt 15, West on Rt 718 (2) into Park on left
CulpeperRappahannock RiverKelly’s FordYesBoat Slide038.4769, -77.7808MapFrom Remington, Bus Rt 15 S. (.5); L on Rt 673 (2.4);L on Rt 674 (3.3);L on Rt 620 (.1)
CumberlandJames RiverColumbiaNoConcrete Ramp137.7494, -78.1627MapSouth of Columbia on Rt 690
CumberlandJames RiverCartersvilleNoConcrete Ramp137.6694, -78.0868MapTown of Cartersville on Rt 45
DinwiddieLake ChesdinLake ChesdinYesConcrete Ramp237.2210, -77.5283MapFrom Petersburg,Rt460W(.4);R on Rt226(.2);R on Rt600(.9);L on Rt601(3.5);R on Rt776(.6)
EssexHoskin’s CreekHoskin’s CreekNoConcrete Ramp137.9200, -76.8571MapTown of Tappahannock, Rt T-1002 (Dock Street)
FairfaxBurke LakeLake BurkeYesConcrete Ramp138.7564, -77.3012MapFrom City of Fairfax, Rt 123 South
FauquierLake BrittleLake BrittleYesConcrete Ramp138.7478, -77.6912MapFrom New Baltimore Rt15 East (.3);R on Rt 600 (1.5);R on Rt793 (1.2);R on Rt 825 (.3)
FluvannaFluvanna Ruritan LakeRuritan LakeYesConcrete Ramp137.8900, -78.3741MapFrom Town of Palmyra, Rt 53 (3); L on Rt 660 (.1); R on Rt 619 (3)
Notice: The Fluvanna Ruritan Lake boat ramp will be closed until further notice.
FluvannaJames RiverHardware RiverNoRS037.7402, -78.4078MapFrom Scottsville, Rt 6 East (6); R on Rt 646 (3.8)
FluvannaRivanna RiverCroftonNoConcrete Ramp137.9187, -78.2975MapFrom Zion Crossroads, Rt 15 South (4); R on Rt 616 (2.1); L on Rt 600 (1.5)
FluvannaRivanna RiverPalmyraNoShoreline Access037.8577, -78.2668MapFrom Town of Palmyra, Rt 53
Notice: Renovations are anticipated to start on September 6, 2022 at DWR's Palmyra landing. The site will be closed during construction which will impact launching and retrieving of boats and fishing at this location.
FranklinBlackwater RiverBlackwater LandingYesConcrete Ramp236.6733, -76.9177MapLocated just beyond the south end of Main St.
FranklinPigg RiverWaid Recreation AreaYesBoat Slide136.9668, -79.9416MapFrom Rt. 40 (west of Rocky Mount), turn northwest on Six Mile Post Rd. go 1.8 mi. - turn south on Waid Park Rd. 0.9 mi. to site on right.
FranklinPigg RiverLynch Memorial ParkYesBoat Slide136.9836, -79.8891MapFrom S. Main St. (Rocky Mount), west on Scuffing Hill Rd. go 0.2 mi. - turn south on Old Fort Rd. 400' to site on left.
FranklinSmith Mountain LakeOak GroveYesConcrete Ramp237.1343, -79.6682MapOn Rt. 122, go 1.78 mi. South of the South end of the SML Bridge, turn left onto Rt. 666 (go 0.76 mi.), turn left on Oldfield Rd. (go 0.76 mi.), take right staying on Oldfield Rd., follow 0.3 mi. to Oak Grove Boat Access Facility.
FranklinSmith Mountain LakeScruggs #8YesConcrete Ramp137.0512, -79.6633MapFrom Moneta southwest on Rt 122 (7); L on Rt 616 (5.7); R on Rt 601 (2)
FranklinSmith Mountain LakePenhook #9YesConcrete Ramp237.0130, -79.6255MapFrom Penhook, Rt 660 North (.8); R on Rt 966 (1.4)
FrederickWheatlands LakeLake FrederickYesConcrete Ramp139.0430, -78.1569MapOn Rt 340 South (1) of Double Toll Gate
GilesNew RiverSnidow Park LandingYesConcrete Ramp137.3147, -80.6426MapIn the Town of Pembroke take Snidow Road (Rt 623) south to bridge, L into Sindow Park
GilesNew RiverNarrowsYesRS037.3367, -80.8105MapNorth of Narrows on Rt 649
GilesNew RiverRich CreekNoConcrete Ramp137.3684, -80.8193MapEast of Rich Creek (.5) on Rt 460
GilesNew RiverBluff CityYesConcrete Ramp137.3395, -80.7573MapFrom Rt. 460 - exit onto Cord Dr., go 300' & turn left on Tannery Dr., go 200' & turn right on Thomas Rd., Access on left under bridge.
GilesNew RiverWhitt-RiverbendYesConcrete Ramp137.3202, -80.6822MapFrom Rt. 460 - take Ripplemead exit, turn North on Rt. 636 (Ripplemead rd.), continue 1.4 mi. to Access on left.
GloucesterPiankatank RiverDeep PointYesConcrete Ramp137.5361, -76.4953MapFrom Glenns, Rt 198 East (7.5); L on Rt 606 (1.5)
GloucesterPorpoptank RiverTanyardNoGravel Access137.4548, -76.6679MapFrom Gloucester, Rt 14 North (4.3); L on Rt 613 (3.3); R on Rt 610 (.6); L on Rt 617 (.5
GloucesterWare RiverWarehouseYesConcrete Ramp137.4031, -76.4896MapEast of Glouceter on Rt 621 (2)
GloucesterYork RiverGloucester PointYesConcrete Ramp237.2457, -76.5048MapTown of Gloucester Point, Rt 1208
GoochlandJames RiverWest ViewYesConcrete Ramp137.6425, -78.0103MapFrom Goochland, Rt 6 West (3.5); L on Rt 600 (4.8); R on Rt 643 (1.2)
GraysonNew RiverOldtownNoGravel Access036.6813, -80.9735MapRt 58 West; R on Rt 640 (Old Town Rd) (1); R on Rt 634 (1.3); L on Rt 641 (1.7)
GraysonNew RiverIndependenceNoGravel Access036.5722, -81.1524MapFrom Independence, Rt 21 South to Rt 221 (3.2); L on Rt 700 (.5)
GraysonNew RiverBridle CreekNoConcrete Ramp136.5958, -81.2422MapFrom Independence, Rt 58 West (1.8); L on Rt 711 (3.9)
GraysonNew RiverMouth of WilsonNoGravel Access036.5852, -81.3143MapEast of Mouth of Wilson; Intersection Rt 58 & 93
GraysonNew RiverRiversideNoGravel Access036.6726, -81.0222MapIntersection of Rt 94 & Rt 274, South of Fries
GraysonNew RiverBaywoodNoRS036.6137, -81.0458MapFrom Independent, Rt 58 East (6)
GreensvilleNottoway RiverJarrattYesConcrete Ramp136.8475, -77.4932MapFrom Jarratt, Rt 630 East (2.2) to Nottoway River; site on left
GreensvilleNottoway RiverPurdyNoConcrete Ramp136.8468, -77.5607MapFrom Jarratt, Rt. 610 West (.7); R on Rt 608 (4.4); R on Rt 651 (1.2)
HalifaxConnor LakeLake ConnorYesConcrete Ramp136.9217, -78.8035MapFrom Clover,Rt746 N(4);L on Rt603(2.6);R on Rt619 (2.19);R on Rt623(1.3);R on Rt624(1.5)
HalifaxHyco RiverHycoNoConcrete Ramp136.6671, -78.7552MapFrom South Boston, Rt 58 East (8)
HalifaxStaunton RiverCloverNoConcrete Ramp136.8267, -78.6875MapFrom Clover, Rt 360 East (3.5)
HalifaxStaunton RiverWatkins BridgeNoConcrete Ramp136.9154, -78.7410MapFrom Clover, Rt 746 North (8.5)
HanoverPamunkey RiverLittle Page BridgeYesBoat Slide037.7887, -77.3700MapFrom Hanover, North on Rt 301 (2)
HanoverSouth Anna RiverPatrick HenryYesConcrete Ramp - Hand Carry037.7966, -77.5497MapFrom Ashland , West on Rt 54 (4.5)
HanoverSouth Anna RiverGround Squirrel BridgeYesConcrete Ramp - Hand Carry037.7598, -77.6120MapFrom Rt. 33 at Farrington, Northwest on Rt. 33 (2.25) to access at river on right.
HenricoJames RiverOsborne Pike LandingYesConcrete Ramp637.4009, -77.3858MapIntersection of Kingsland Road and Osborne Turnpike
Notice: Henrico County Parks and Recreation will be closing the ramp at Deep Bottom Park at sunset beginning on September 27, 2021. To ensure continued access for night-time angling on the James River the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) will be opening the Osborne Landing Boat ramp to night-time launching effective immediately.
HenricoJames RiverHuguenot BridgeNoBoat Slide037.5605, -77.5458MapWest of Huguenot Bridge (.2) off Southampton Street
HenricoJames RiverDeep BottomYesConcrete Ramp237.4072, -77.3053MapSouth (8) of Seven Pines on Deep Bottom Road
Notice: Henrico County Parks and Recreation will be closing the ramp at Deep Bottom Park at sunset beginning on September 27, 2021. To ensure continued access for night-time angling on the James River the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) will be opening the Osborne Landing Boat ramp to night-time launching effective immediately.
Isle of WightBlackwater RiverJoyner’s Bridge LandingYesConcrete Ramp136.7337, -76.9166MapAt intersection of River and Rt. 611 (S/E quad.)
Isle of WightJones CreekJones CreekYesConcrete Ramp236.9746, -76.5630MapFrom Rt 17, West on 669 (.5), West on Rt 665 (1.5) , turn left into Jones Creek Landing
James CityDiascund Creek ReservoirDiascund LandingYesConcrete Ramp137.4296, -76.8908MapFrom Rt. 60 at Norge, West on Rt. 60 (8), North on Rt. 603 (0.5) to access on right.
King and QueenMattaponi RiverMelroseYesConcrete Ramp137.6372, -76.8549MapFrom King & Queen C.H., Rt. 14 South (2.8); R on Rt 602 (1.2) to Ramp
King and QueenMattaponi RiverWaterfenceYesConcrete Ramp137.5920, -76.7987MapFrom West Point, Rt 33 East, turn L onto SR 14 (5), turn L onto SC 611 to end
King GeorgeRappahannock RiverHopyard LandingYesConcrete Ramp138.2441, -77.2261MapFrom Rt. 301 North of Rapp. River, West on Rt. 607 (4.5 mi.), South on Old Wharf Road, follow to Landing.
King WilliamMattaponi RiverWest PointYesConcrete Ramp237.5406, -76.7896MapTown of West Point on Rt. 33
King WilliamMattaponi RiverAylettYesConcrete Ramp137.7856, -77.1030MapAylett, Rt 360 East, R onto Rt. 600
King WilliamPamunkey RiverLestor ManorYesConcrete Ramp137.5861, -76.9845MapFrom King William C.H., Rt. 30 South (.7);R on Rt 633 (7.4);L on Rt 672 (.4)
LancasterChesapeake BayWindmill Point LandingYesConcrete Ramp137.6166, -76.2890MapFrom Whitestone (Rt.3), turn East on Chesapeake Dr., in 0.3 mi. continue onto Windmill Point Rd for 7.2 mi., turn left on Windjammer Ln. 0.2 mi. to ramp on right (Backside of Harbor).
LancasterGreenvale CreekGreenvale CreekYesConcrete Ramp137.7229, -76.5448MapFrom Lively Rt. 3, S. Rt 201, E. Rt. 354, S. foll. Rt 662 Mullosk (1/2mi.)
Notice: Boaters are advised that the U.S. Coast Guard has determined that due to extreme shoaling Greenvale Creek in Lancaster County is no longer considered a navigable waterway. Consequently the Coast Guard has removed all navigational markers. Boaters should exercise caution when attempting to navigate Greenvale Creek and should be particularly aware of tides.
LeeLake KeokeeLake KeokeeYesConcrete Ramp136.8543, -82.8634MapRt. 624 South of Keokee
LoudounPotomac RiverMcKimmey (Point of Rocks)YesConcrete Ramp139.2725, -77.5470MapPoint of Rocks, Rt 672
LunenburgNottoway RiverThe FallsNoConcrete Ramp137.0468, -78.1509MapNortheast on Rt 49, (4) of Victoria
MathewsEast RiverTown PointYesConcrete Ramp137.4153, -76.3375MapFrom Mathews, Rt. 14 South (3.8); R on Rt. 615 (.6)
MecklenburgLake GastonPoplar CreekYesConcrete Ramp236.5707, -78.0447MapFrom Broadnax, Rt. 58 West (.2); L on Rt 626 (1.8)
MecklenburgLake GastonSteel BridgeYesConcrete Ramp136.6066, -78.2100MapSouthwest on Rt. 1 (7) of South Hill
MecklenburgLake GordonLake GordonNoConcrete Ramp136.6883, -78.2158MapRt. 58 South (3.5); R on Rt. 664 (.6); R on Rt. 799
MiddlesexParrotts CreekMill StoneYesConcrete Ramp137.7266, -76.6219MapChurch View, Rt. 17 North (1.1); R on Rt 640 (4.4); L on Rt 608 (.8)
MiddlesexRappahannock RiverMill CreekYesConcrete Ramp137.5842, -76.4244MapFrom Hartfield, Rt. 3 North (.5); R on Rt 626 (3.1)
Notice: Due to the potential for shoaling at this site boaters are urged to use caution when landing and launching.
MiddlesexRappahannock RiverSaludaYesConcrete Ramp137.6225, -76.5816MapRt 618 North (1.4) of Saluda
MontgomeryNew RiverWhitethorneNoConcrete Ramp137.1984, -80.5653MapFrom Rt 460, Rt. 685 West (6.8); R on Rt 652 (.2); L on Rt 623 (1)
Notice: Please note that parking is only allowed in the DWR parking lot adjacent to the boat ramp. Because of safety concerns, parking on railroad property on the opposite side of the tracks is prohibited. DWR is working to secure additional overflow parking arrangements. Please respect private property and comply with posted regulations.
MontgomeryNew RiverClaytor DamNoConcrete Ramp137.0885, -80.5789MapRt. 232-605 South (2) of Radford
NelsonJames RiverMidwayNoConcrete Ramp137.6692, -78.7147MapIn James River WMA off Rt 743 (3); Northeast of Wingina
NelsonJames RiverWinginaNoConcrete Ramp137.6359, -78.7199MapRt 56 South of Wingina
NelsonLake NelsonLake NelsonYesConcrete Ramp137.6914, -78.8812MapFrom Arrington, Rt 655 East (1.4); L on Rt 812 (.8) to Ramp
NorthamptonCape Charles RiverCape CharlesYesConcrete Ramp437.2647, -76.0165MapTown of Cape Charles, Rt. 1103
NorthamptonOyster HarborOysterYesConcrete Ramp237.2886, -75.9234MapIn Oyster on Rt 1802
NorthamptonRed Bank CreekRed BankNoConcrete Ramp137.4456, -75.8399MapFrom Nassawadox, Rt 13 South (1); L on Rt 617 (1.9)
NorthumberlandCockerell CreekShellNoConcrete Ramp237.8245, -76.2716MapSoutheast on Rt 657 (2) of Reedville
NorthumberlandGreat Wicomico RiverCoopersYesConcrete Ramp137.8713, -76.4194MapFrom Heathsville, Rt. 360 East (4) to Horse Head; R on Rt 707 (1.5)
NottowayNottoway LakeNottoway County LakeNoConcrete Ramp137.1671, -77.9815MapRt. 606 North (5.5) of Blackstone
OrangeLake OrangeLake OrangeYesConcrete Ramp138.2246, -78.0202MapFrom Orange, Rt 20 East (2.2); R on Rt 629 (2); L on Rt 739 (.6)
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverMassanuttenNoRS038.6724, -78.5291MapFrom Luray, Rt. 211 West (3.8); R on Rt 615 (2.8)
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverAlmaNoShoreline Access038.5887, -78.5657MapRt 650 South of Alma (.5)
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverShenandoah RiversideYesConcrete Ramp138.4803, -78.6236MapTown of Shenandoah, Morrison Street
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverNewportNoShoreline Access038.5830, -78.5943MapNortheast on Rt 340 (7) of Shenandoah
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverWhite HouseNoConcrete Ramp138.6460, -78.5344MapFrom Luray, Rt 211 East (2.8); R on Rt 646 (.1)
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverGrove HillNoShoreline Access038.5273, -78.5947MapFrom Shenandoah, Rt 340 North (2); R on Rt 650 (1.1)
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverInskeepNoRS038.7015, -78.4917MapFrom Luray, Rt 684 North (2.5) at the Rt 675 Bridge
PageS. Fork Shenandoah RiverFostersNoConcrete Ramp138.7703, -78.4224MapFrom Luray, Rt 675 North (2.7); R on Rt R-684 (6)
PittsylvaniaLake BurtonLake BurtonNoConcrete Ramp136.8701, -79.5329MapFrom Callands,Rt 57 E(.3);LonRt 969 (3); R on Rt 626 (1.3);RonRt 649(.6);RonRt. 800(2.3)
PittsylvaniaLeesville ReservoirMyer’s CreekNoConcrete Ramp137.0122, -79.4558MapFrom Gretna,Rt40 W(2.5);R on Rt790(.2);L on Rt765(2.7);L on Rt672(1.2);R on Rt768(2.2)
PittsylvaniaLeesville ReservoirLeesville Dam #7NoConcrete Ramp137.0907, -79.4026MapFrom Altavista, 29 South (3.0); R on Rt 642 (1.2); R on Rt 754 (2.9)
PittsylvaniaSmith Mountain LakeAnthony Ford #4YesConcrete Ramp137.0291, -79.5896MapFrom Penhook, Rt 40 East (2); L on Rt 626 (6)
PowhatanJames RiverMaidensNoConcrete Ramp137.6645, -77.8905MapRt. 522 just south of Rt. 6
PowhatanJames RiverWatkins LandingYesConcrete Ramp237.5882, -77.7129MapFrom Bon Air, Rt 147 West (3); R on Rt 711 (6.5); R on Rt 625 (1.2)
PowhatanLower Powhatan LakePowhatan LakesNoConcrete Ramp137.5758, -77.9923MapFrom Powhatan, Rt 60 West (3.2); R on Rt 684 (1.8); L on Rt 625 (1.6)
Notice: The spillways of both lakes sustained storm damage that need substantial repair. The Powhatan Lakes are being maintained at lower levels (4–6 feet below normal pool) to limits the amount of discharge released through the spillways until repairs can be made. Planning for the repair project has begun and the agency is looking to secure funding to complete the repairs. Any updates on the repairs or water levels will be posted on this page.
Prince EdwardBriery Creek LakeBriery CreekYesConcrete Ramp137.2023, -78.4472MapRt. 460 S Farmville, S. Rt. 15, (5 1/2m) enter WMA on W Rt 14, cont. 3/4 m
Prince EdwardBriery Creek LakeBriery Creek – 701 LandingYesConcrete Ramp137.1787, -78.4562MapRt. 460 S Farmville, S. Rt. 15, (8 miles) to Rt 701, turn left onto 701 to end
Prince EdwardSandy River ReservoirSandy River ReservoirYesConcrete Ramp237.2567, -78.3196MapRt. 460 E, Farmville, S. Rt on 640 (1m) enter on left. Address: 504 Reservoir Road, Rice, VA 23966
PulaskiClaytor LakeHarry DeHaven ParkYesConcrete Ramp237.0542, -80.6644MapFrom I-81,SonLittle River Dam Rd(5.5),WonPoor House Rd.(2.5)to Park,follow signs to ramp
PulaskiClaytor LakeAllisoniaYesConcrete Ramp136.9449, -80.7318MapAt Allisonia, Rt 693
PulaskiClaytor LakeDublinYesConcrete Ramp337.0627, -80.6316MapSoutheast on Rt 660 (7) of Dublin
PulaskiNew RiverPeppers FerryYesGravel Access137.1602, -80.5538MapFrom Route 11 turn on Route 114 (Peppers Ferry Blvd.) 2.1 miles to access on the right
RichmondFarmham CreekFarmham CreekYesConcrete Ramp137.8472, -76.6577MapFrom Rt. 3 - turn South on Calvery Church Rd., go 4 miles & turn East on Farnham Creek rd., go 0.5 mi. to Access on Ease side of bridge.
RichmondRappahannock RiverCarter’s WharfNoConcrete Ramp138.0713, -76.9238MapFrom Warsaw, Rt 3 West (2); Rt 624 North (10.8); L on Rt 622 (2)
RichmondRappahannock RiverSimonson LandingNoConcrete Ramp137.8070, -76.6335MapFrom Farnham, Rt 3 East to Rt 608 South to Rt 606 to ramp
RichmondTotuskey CreekTotuskeyNoConcrete Ramp137.9234, -76.7211MapFrom Warsaw, Southeast on Route 3 (3)
RoanokeTinker CreekTinker Creek LandingYesConcrete Ramp - Hand Carry137.2711, -79.9044MapFrom Rt. 24 in Vinton, turn South on 3rd St. Go about ¼-mile to boat access on Right (across from Dept. of Public Works)
RockbridgeJames RiverGlasgowYesBoat Slide137.6238, -79.4459MapFrom Rt. 130 Town of Glasgow, turn South on Rt. 684, follow to parking lot shared with Locker Landing. Follow footpath under Railroad tracks to James River.
RockbridgeMaury RiverVMI Route 60 BridgeNoShoreline Access037.7455, -79.3706MapWest of Bueno Vista off Route 60 (.5)
RockbridgeMaury RiverLocker LandingNoShoreline Access037.6247, -79.4443MapTown of Glasgow on Rt 130
RockbridgeRobertson LakeLake RobertsonNoConcrete Ramp137.8026, -79.6094MapRt 770 West (1) of Collierstown
RockinghamLake ShenandoahLake ShenandoahYesConcrete Ramp138.3816, -78.8392MapFrom Harrisonburg, Southwest on Rt 659 (1.9); L on Rt 689 (.7); R on Rt 687 (.6)
Notice: Background:

A flood occurred at Lake Shenandoah. During this event the emergency spillway (north side of dam) was damaged, requiring extensive repair. The Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) engineering staff inspected the damage and, due to the severity, were required by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Dam Safety Division to lower the lake approximately 5 feet from full pool to reduce the threat of the dam failing during a high water event. In addition, DCR Dam Safety recently updated hazard assessment criteria for all dams in Virginia. In order to bring the Lake Shenandoah Dam into compliance with dam safety requirements, it was determined that the dam would need to be completely reconstructed.

Present Work:

• DWR staff constructed an alternate boat launch area, seeded exposed banks to reduce erosion, repositioned the floating pier, and mowed new bank fishing access areas.

• Contractors completed a culvert replacement in the northern arm of the lake and upgraded the road leading to the dam, so heavy equipment can access the area.

• DWR engineering staff are in ongoing discussions with engineering firms to finalize plans to reconstruct the dam and emergency spillway. There are a variety of options that are being evaluated, all of which are extremely costly. Regardless of which option is chosen, DWR will maintain the pool at a lower level than it had been historically out of concern for flooding impacts to downstream structures and upstream structures due to potential backups from the dam during flood events (even after the dam is repaired). The fishery in the lake is intact even in its current state, and we would expect it to do well after the reconstruction of the dam under the current proposals.
RockinghamS. Fork Shenandoah RiverIsland FordNoShoreline Access038.3548, -78.6956MapFrom Island Ford Rt. 340, W. Rt 649, Left Rt. 642, ramp on right
RockinghamS. Fork Shenandoah RiverPort RepublicNoShoreline Access038.2958, -78.8080MapFrom Grottoes, Rt. 340 N.; W. Rt. 659, R. bef. river, Ramp on left.
RockinghamS. Fork Shenandoah RiverElktonNoBoat Slide038.4094, -78.6350MapFrom Elkton, North on Rt 33 Business (.2)
RockinghamSouth RiverGrottos LandingNoBoat Slide038.2846, -78.8340MapFrom Town of Grottoes, N on Rt825, W on 20th st, follow to Park entrance, road to river
RussellClinch RiverCleveland Park LandingYesConcrete Ramp - Hand Carry136.9408, -82.1569MapIn Town. Rt. 600 (Ivy Ridge Rd.) at Ball Field.
RussellClinch RiverBlackford BridgeNoGravel Access036.9965, -81.9437MapFrom Honaker on Rt 80 South (1.4); L on Rt 641 (.03)
RussellClinch RiverPuckett’s HoleNoShoreline Access036.9699, -82.0137MapFrom Honaker, Rt. 645 West (2.2); L on Rt 651 (1); R on Rt 652 (2.3)
RussellClinch RiverNash’s FordNoShoreline Access036.9670, -82.0790MapFrom Honaker, Rt 645 West (8.3); L on Rt 798 (.2)
RussellClinch RiverCartertonNoShoreline Access036.9152, -82.2215MapFrom Castlewood in the community of Carterton, Rt615 N(1.9);RonRt628(3.3);R on Rt614(1)
RussellLaurel Bed LakeLaurel Bed LakeYesConcrete Ramp136.9639, -81.8065MapFrom Saltville, Rt 634 North (.3); L on Rt 613 to Rt 747 in Clinch Mt. WMA
Notice: A malfunction in the water release gate at Laurel Bed Lake in Russell County has resulted in continual release of water through the dam and a lower than normal water level in the lake. A repair crew is on site trying to close and repair the gate, but the lake level is currently down about 5–6 feet. The fishing pier is not usable at this time, but anglers may still launch boats from the boat ramp. However, boaters should use caution as the lower lake level has exposed standing timber and other navigational hazards. Once repairs have been made to the water release gate the lake level may remain low for some time depending on the amount of precipitation the area receives. For questions or additional information, please contact the DWR Regional Office in Marion at (276) 783-4860.
Notice: Logging activity is taking place in the Twin Hollows area of Clinch Mountain WMA to improve wildlife habitats. Logging trucks will be transporting forest products along Laurel Bed Lake Road and Tumbling Creek Road daily. All WMA visitors are advised to drive slowly and use caution, while traveling to and from Laurel Bed Lake and while traveling along Tumbling Creek Road. This logging activity was carefully planned with wildlife habitat, sustainability and safety in mind. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
ScottBark Camp LakeBark Camp LakeYesConcrete Ramp136.8674, -82.5215MapFrom Dungannon, Rt 72 North (.5); L on Rt 653 (1.6); R on Rt 706 (3.9); R on Rt 822 (2.8
ScottClinch RiverState LineNoShoreline Access036.5992, -82.8801MapFrom Clinchport, SR 58 East (1.6); R on SR 625 (9)
ScottClinch RiverDungannonNoRS136.8310, -82.4621MapFrom Dungannon, Rt 65 at Ruritan Park
ScottClinch RiverClinch PortNoRS136.6759, -82.7424MapFrom Clinchport take Rt 65 north (2.3); landing on the right
ShenandoahN. Fork Shenandoah RiverStrasburg LandingYesConcrete Ramp138.9732, -78.3512MapFrom Strasburg, W on Rt 55, R on Industrial Road (SSR 1201) to the Park
ShenandoahN. Fork Shenandoah RiverDeer RapidsNoShoreline Access038.9545, -78.3752MapRoute 11 South from Strasburg to Fishers Hill; Turn left on S.R. 601 Funk Rd; Travel 2.5 miles; turn left on S.R. 744; Travel to bridge crossing.
ShenandoahN. Fork Shenandoah RiverChapman’sNoConcrete Ramp138.8454, -78.5296MapFrom Edinburgh, Rt 11 North (3.2); R on Rt 672 (2.2)
ShenandoahN. Fork Shenandoah RiverMeems BottomNoShoreline Access038.7066, -78.6508MapFrom New Market (4.5) North; Rt 730 East (3.2)
SmythHungry Mother LakeHungry Mother State ParkYesConcrete Ramp136.8725, -81.5137MapFrom Marion, Rt 16 North, R on SR 617 (1.4); L on SR 750
SmythNorth Fork Holston RiverSaltvilleNoConcrete Ramp136.8932, -81.7566MapFrom E. Main St. in Saltville, L. on Government Plant road (100yds), R. on River Road (1/4 mi), landing on left
SouthamptonBlackwater RiverBlackwater BridgeNoConcrete Ramp136.8042, -76.8654MapFrom Windsor, Rt 603 West (6)
SouthamptonNottoway RiverHerculesNoConcrete Ramp136.6533, -77.0027MapFrom Franklin, Rt 671 West (4)
SouthamptonNottoway RiverGeneral Vaughan BridgeNoConcrete Ramp236.5666, -76.9451MapFrom Franklin, Rt 258 South (9.5)
SouthamptonNottoway RiverCarey’sNoConcrete Ramp136.7704, -77.1659MapFrom Capron, Rt 653 Northeast (4.5)
SpotsylvaniaRapidan RiverHunting RunNoBoat Slide038.3590, -77.6349MapFrom 3 West right on Ely's Ford Road (Rte 610), Right on Spotswood Furnace (Rte 610), Left on Gravel road just before base of Hunting Run dam.
SpotsylvaniaRapidan RiverElys FordYesConcrete Ramp - Hand Carry038.3592, -77.6854MapFrom Chancellorsville, Rt 610 Northwest (4.5)
SpotsylvaniaRappahannock RiverMotts RunNoBoat Slide038.3136, -77.5405MapFrom Fredericksburg, Rt 3 West; North on Rt 639 (.9); L on Rt 618 (2.1)
StaffordLake CurtisLake CurtisYesConcrete Ramp138.4362, -77.5613MapFrom Hartwood, Rt 612 North (2.7); R on Rt 622 (.5)
StaffordRocky Pen Run ReservoirRocky Pen Run LandingNoConcrete Ramp138.3329, -77.5391MapFrom I-95, go West on Rt. 17, turn South on Sanford Dr. go 2.1 mile turn Left on Greenbank Rd., go 1 mile to facility.
SurryJames RiverLawnes CreekYesConcrete Ramp137.1392, -76.6758MapFrom Bacons Castle, Rt 650 North (5.2)
Notice: Renovations to install an ADA loading pier and fishing pier combination at DWR’s Lawnes Creek Boating Access site is anticipated to start August 29, 2022. The ramp and surrounding area will be closed to all users starting August 29, 2022.
SurryJames RiverGrey’s Creek LandingYesConcrete Ramp137.1769, -76.8055MapRamp is on Grey's Creek, which accesses the James River. From Surry Courthouse go North on Rt. 31 for 3 miles, turn West on Marina Dr., follow 0.5 mile to terminus / Grey's Creek Landing.
SussexAirfield PondAirfield PondNoConcrete Ramp136.9078, -77.0272MapFrom Wakefield, South on Rt.628 (5) to ramp.
SussexNottoway RiverPeters BridgeNoConcrete Ramp136.8596, -77.1908MapFrom Littleton, Rt 35 South (1); R on Rt 631 (2.7)
WarrenN. Fork Shenandoah RiverCatletts Ford LandingNoShoreline Access038.9784, -78.2587MapFrom Front Royal,N on Rt522(.9);LonRt637 Guard Hill Rd(4.3);L onRt626,Catlett's Ford Rd
WarrenN. Fork Shenandoah RiverRivertonNoConcrete Ramp138.9496, -78.1980MapFrom Front Royal, North on Rt. 340/522 (1/4 mile), Right on Rt. 637 (250 yds), Landing on Right
WarrenS. Fork Shenandoah RiverBentonvilleNoShoreline Access038.8405, -78.3290MapFrom Bentonville, West on Rt 613 (1)
WarrenS. Fork Shenandoah RiverKaroNoShoreline Access038.8715, -78.2526MapFrom Front Royal, West on Rt 340 (5) at Karo
WarrenShenandoah RiverMorgan’s FordNoShoreline Access038.9577, -78.1217MapFrom Front Royal, East on 6th. Street to Rt 624 (3)
WarrenShenandoah RiverFront RoyalNoShoreline Access038.9134, -78.2096MapFront Royal on Luray Avenue
WarrenShenandoah River (South)Simpson’s LandingNoShoreline Access038.8785, -78.2617MapFrom Front Royal, West on Rt 340 (.3); R on Rt 619 (4.3); L on Rt 673 (.7); L on Rt 623
WashingtonHidden Valley LakeHidden Valley LakeYesConcrete Ramp136.8461, -82.0801MapFrom Holston, North on Rt 19 (2.5); R on Rt 690 (2) to WMA
WashingtonNorth Holston RiverClinch Mountain LandingNoConcrete Ramp136.8728, -81.8124MapFrom I-81, take Exit 35 towards Chilhowie, R. on Whitetop Road (8 mi.), L. on Easy St., R. on 1st Ave (1 mi), L. on Perryville Rd. (3 mi), Landing on left
WashingtonS. Holston LakeAvensNoConcrete Ramp136.6352, -81.9602MapFrom Abingdon, South on Rt 75 (3.2); L on Rt 672 (2.4)
WashingtonS. Holston LakeWhitaker Hollow ParkNoConcrete Ramp136.6468, -81.9232MapFrom Abingdon, South on Rt 75 (8); L on Rt 670 (3); L on Rt 674 (4); L on 664 (2)
WestmorelandChandler’s Mill PondAmerican LegionYesConcrete Ramp138.0990, -76.8459MapFrom Montross North Rt 3 (1)
WestmorelandGardy’s Mill PondGardy’s Mill PondYesConcrete Ramp138.0022, -76.6032MapFrom Callao , West on Rt 202 (2); L on Rt 617 (1.2)
WiseClinch RiverSt PaulYesBoat Slide036.9030, -82.3075MapLocated in St Paul at Town Park
WytheNew RiverAustinvilleYesConcrete Ramp136.8538, -80.9184MapFrom Austinville S. on Rt 69 to the River
WytheRural Retreat LakeRural Retreat LakeYesConcrete Ramp136.8654, -81.2878MapFrom Rural Retreat, South on Rt 749 (1.1); R on Rt 677 (1.6); L on Rt 778 (.7)
Chesapeake (city)S. Branch Elizabeth RiverElizabeth River ParkYesConcrete Ramp436.8090, -76.2855MapCity of Chesapeake, Rt 337
Colonial Heights (city)Swift CreekWhite Bank ParkYesConcrete Ramp137.2844, -77.3779MapCity of Colonial Heights
Covington (city)Jackson RiverCovington AccessYesBoat Slide137.7561, -79.9868MapFrom I-64, take Exit 16B, continue West on Madison St. (Rt. 220) 1.2 mi., turn South on Rt. 18 go 1.6 mi. to site across bridge on S.E. of bridge.
Emporia (city)Meherrin ReservoirEmporiaNoConcrete Ramp136.6987, -77.5604MapFrom Rt 58 in Emporia; Rt 619 South 1 mile
Emporia (city)Meherrin RiverFarmers Market AccessYesBoat Slide136.6894, -77.5412MapOn Main Street, south of river, east of Main Street at Farmers Market.
Emporia (city)Meherrin RiverMeherrin ParkYesConcrete Ramp136.6816, -77.5326MapIn Emporia, Off of Route 301 , East on Hicksford Ave. into Meherrin Park Road, signs to
Fredericksburg (city)Rappahannock RiverCity DocksYesConcrete Ramp238.2964, -77.4531MapCity of Fredericksburg on Sophia Street
Hampton (city)Back RiverFox HillYesConcrete Ramp337.0962, -76.2946MapNorth (1) of Fox Hill at end of Dandy Point Road
Petersburg (city)Wilcox LakeWilcox Lake LandingYesConcrete Ramp - Hand Carry137.2036, -77.4111MapFrom I-85, turn South on Squirrel Level Rd. At light turn East on Defense Rd. Boat Access on Right at Dam (just past entrance to Lee Memorial Park).
Radford (city)New RiverRiverview Park LandingNoConcrete Ramp137.1072, -80.5917MapFrom West Main St. (east end of city), turn South on Cowan St., go about 400’, turn East on River St., follow to Ramp in Park.
Richmond (city)James RiverAncarrow’s LandingYesConcrete Ramp237.5198, -77.4187MapCity of Richmond on Maury Street
Notice: Mud and debris may be present on ramp and walkways. Use caution when launching and retrieving.
Suffolk (city)Butler Tract LakeButler Tract LakeNoConcrete Ramp136.8695, -76.5755MapFrom Chuckatuck,N on Rt 10/32(1.25),E into Suffolk Park,follow signs inside park to ramp
Suffolk (city)Crane LakeCrane LakeNoConcrete Ramp136.8661, -76.5724MapFrom Chuckatuck, North on Rt. 10/32 (1.25), East into Suffolk Park, follow signs inside
Virginia Beach (city)Back BayPrincess Anne WMANoConcrete Ramp136.5903, -75.9920MapFrom Va.Beach South on Princess Anne Road; L on Rt 699.
Virginia Beach (city)Back BayBack BayNoConcrete Ramp136.6342, -75.9922MapPrincess Anne Road, South to Back Bay; L on Rt 622
Virginia Beach (city)Rudee InletOwls Creek MunicipalYesConcrete Ramp436.8227, -75.9814MapFrom Virginia Beach, South on General Booth Blvd.
Waynesboro (city)South RiverBasic ParkYesUnknown138.0837, -78.8747MapFrom Rt. 340 - turn West on Hopeman Pkwy., go 0.3 mi., turn South on Genicom Dr., go 0.1 mi. to Park on right, follow to end
Waynesboro (city)South RiverRidgeview ParkYesBoat Slide138.0654, -78.9068MapFrom Main St. - turn West on Magnolia Ave., go 0.6 mi. to Park, follow to River Access on Left.