Richmond Falcon Cam

A Surprise Visit

  • June 28th, 2010

DGIF Dispatch received a call about 3:30 pm Sunday afternoon that one of the juvenile falcons had flown through the doors into the loading dock at The James Center in Downtown Richmond, and appeared to be injured. Staff at The James Center retrieved the bird (the female juvenile, band 12/AD), and DGIF staff picked her up at The James Center and took her to The Wildlife Center of Virginia for examination. The bird was determined to be uninjured, and after it enjoyed a good night’s rest, DGIF picked up the falcon and took it to Richmond HQ. The bird was released from the the Riverfront Plaza West Tower ledge at about 9:20 am.  DGIF followed her successful flights and landings for about an hour after the release. All five falcons were seen, and one of the juvenile males was observed capturing insects on the wing high above downtown Richmond.