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Accessible Fishing & Boating

County/City Location Boat Access Boat Pier Fishing Pier Fishing Platform Restroom Body of Water
Albemarle Mint Springs Valley Park Mint Springs Lake
Albemarle Chris Greene Park Chris Greene Lake
Albemarle Lake Albemarle Lake Albemarle
Alexandria Cameron Run Park Lake Cook
Alleghany Coles Point Lake Moomaw
Alleghany Johnson Spring Jackson River
Alleghany Fortney Branch Lake Moomaw
Amelia Amelia Lake Amelia Lake
Amherst Mill Creek Mill Creek Lake
Amherst Blue Ridge Parkway Otter Lake
Amherst Stone House Stone House Lake
Amherst Monocan Park James River
Arlington Gravelly Point Park Potomac River
Augusta Elkhorn Lake Recreation Area Elkhorn Lake
Augusta Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center Woodrow Wilson Pond
Augusta Sherando Lake Recreation Area Sherando Lake
Bath Bath County Pumped Storage Project Upper Rec Pond
Bath Douthat State Park Douthat Lake
Bath Bolar Flats Recreation Area Lake Moomaw
Bedford Smith Mountain Lake State Park Smith Mountain Lake
Bedford Hardy Ford Smith Mountain Lake
Brunswick Great Creek Great Creek
Brunswick Pea Hill Lake Gaston
Buckingham New Canton James River
Carroll Lovill’s Creek Lovill’s Creek Lake
Carroll Byllesby Pool Access New River
Charles City Morris Creek Morris Creek
Charles City Wilcox Wharf James River
Charles City Harrison Fish Hatchery Lake Harrison
Chesapeake Elizabeth River Park Elizabeth River
Chesapeake Great Bridge Intra-Coast. Waterway
Chesapeake Oak Grove Lake Park Oak Grove Lake
Chesterfield Dutch Gap James River
Colonial Heights White Bank Park Swift Creek
Craig Fenwick Mines Recreation Area Fenwick Mine Pond
Cumberland Beer Creek Lake State Park Bear Creek Lake
Dickenson Spillway Launch Ramp Flannagan Reservoir
Dickenson Cranesnest Launch Ramp Flannagan Reservoir
Dinwiddie Lake Chesdin Lake Chesdin
Emporia Meherrin River Meherrin River
Essex Hoskins Creek Hoskins Creek
Fairfax Burke Lake Burke Lake
Fauquier Lake Brittle Lake Brittle
Fauquier Crockett Park Germantown Lake
Franklin Smith Mountain Lake Community Park Smith Mountain Lake
Franklin Scruggs Landing Smith Mountain Lake
Franklin Penhook Landing Smith Mountain Lake
Frederick Lake Frederick Lake Frederick
Fredericksburg City Dock Rappahannock River
Giles Big Stoney Creek Big Stoney Creek
Gloucester Beaverdam Swamp Reservoir Park Beaverdam Swamp Reservoir
Gloucester Warehouse Landing Ware River
Gloucester Gloucester Point York River
Greensville Emporia Meherrin River
Hampton Fox Hill Landing Back River
Hampton Sandy Point Park Sandy Lake
Henrico Deep Bottom James River
Henrico Osborne Landing James River
Isle of Wight Jones Creek Landing Jones Creek
James City Little Creek Reservoir Park Little Creek Reservoir
James City Diascund Landing Diascund Reservoir
King & Queen Melrose Landing Pamunkey River
King & Queen Waterfence Landing Pamunkey River
King William West Point Mattaponi River
King William Aylett Landing Mattaponi River
King William Lester Manor Pamunkey River
Lee Keokee Lake Keokee Lake
Lunenburg The Falls Nottoway River
Mathews Gwynn’s Island Piankatank River
Mathews Town Point Landing East River
Mecklenburg Steel Bridge Landing Lake Gaston
Mecklenburg North Bend Park Buggs Island Lake
Mecklenburg Poplar Creek Lake Gaston
Middlesex Mill Creek Landing Mill Creek
Middlesex Mill Stone Landing Parrot’s Creek
Montgomery Claytor Dam Claytor Lake
Nelson Lake Nelson Lake Nelson
Newport News Huntington Park James River
Norfolk Lake Whitehurst Lake Whitehurst
Northampton Cape Charles Landing Chesapeake Bay
Northumberland Cooper’s Landing Great Wicomico River
Nottoway Nottoway Lake Nottoway Lake
Orange Lake Anna Lake Anna
Orange Lake Orange Lake Orange
Page Shenandoah Riverside Shenandoah River
Patrick Goose Point Park Philpott Reservoir
Pittsylvania Leesville Dam Staunton River
Pittsylvania Anthony Ford Landing Smith Mountain Lake
Portsmouth City Park Western Branch
Powhatan Watkin’s Landing James River
Prince Edward Briery Creek #2 Briery Creek Lake
Prince Edward Sandy River Reservoir Sandy River Reservoir
Prince Edward Briery Creek Briery Creek Lake
Prince William Locust Shade Park Locust Shade Pond
Prince William Leesylvania State Park Potomac River
Pulaski Dublin Claytor Lake
Pulaski Harry DeHaven Park Claytor Lake
Richmond (City) Ancarrow’s Landing James River
Richmond (City) Belle Isle James River
Richmond (County) Carter’s Wharf Rappahannock River
Richmond (County) Simonson’s Rappahannock River
Rockbridge Lake Robertson Lake Robertson
Rockingham Grottoes Town Park Town Park Pond
Scott Bark Camp Lake Bark Camp Lake
Shenandoah Tomahawk Pond Recreation Area Tomahawk Pond
Smyth Hungry Mother State Park Hungry Mother Lake
Smyth Town of Marion Middle Fork Holston River
Smyth Buller Hatchery South Holston River
Southampton General Vaughn Bridge Nottoway River
Spotsylvania Motts Run Reservoir Motts Run Reservoir
Stafford Lake Curtis Lake Curtis
Washington Mount Rovers NRA Whitetop Laurel Creek
Washington Bear Tree Recreation Area Beartree Lake
Waynesboro Ridgeview Park South River
Westmoreland Chandler’s Mill Pond Chandler’s Mill Pond
Westmoreland Gardy’s Mill Pond Gardy’s Mill Pond
Wythe Austinville Landing New River
Wythe Rural Retreat Lake Rural Retreat Lake
York Waller Mill Park Waller Mill Pond