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Trophy Fish

Online Virginia Angler Recognition Program (OVARP)

On the average, Virginia anglers measure up over 6,000 trophy-size freshwater fish annually. Their accomplishments are recognized by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources through the Online Virginia Angler Recognition Program (OVARP). Since 1963, when the program began, over 250,000 trophy fish awards have been issued.

This is an honor system program that relies on the ethics and integrity of the anglers that submit their catch.

Submit Angler Recognition Applications Online!

You can now submit your angler recognition applications through your Go Outdoors Virginia customer profile! Simply log into your account and click on the “Add Catch” tile. Enter the details of your catch and checkout — it’s that easy!

Submit Angler Recognition Application Online

Changes to the Angler Recognition Program

  • Anglers must submit their application online through their Go Outdoors Virginia account.
  • A photo of the fish is now required for all applications. For a length citation, anglers must lay the fish on top of or next to a ruler and the photo must be clear and legible. Do not lay the ruler over the curvature of the fish’s body. For a weight citation the photo must show the entire fish on the scale. The scale needs to be clear and legible. Anglers can submit numerous photos in their application if need be. For additional information on measuring and weighing fish see “How to Certify a Trophy-Size Freshwater Fish.”
  • Beginning January 1, 2021, mailed in applications will no longer be processed.
  • Beginning January 1, 2020, fish citation certificates will no longer be mailed.  The $5 application fee is a processing fee that’s essential for maintaining the online program.
  • Anglers now have the ability to view and print their fish citations from their Go Outdoors Virginia account at home.
  • DWR reserves the right to require additional photos and additional information about a trophy fish application upon request.  DWR and the Fisheries Division has the right to approve or reject an application based upon further review.

General Information


State Record Fish