Virginia Department of Wildlife ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Designated Stocked Trout Waters (Catchable Trout Stocking Program)

“Designated Stocked Trout Waters” include those waters that are stocked with catchable-sized trout and are listed by the Director in the annual Trout Stocking Plan.

These waters will only be considered designated stocked trout waters from October 1 through June 15 (trout license required). A trout license is not required from June 16 through September 30. Trout angling hours on designated stocked trout waters are from 5:00 am until one hour after sunset. See exceptions for Trout Heritage Waters, Urban Program Waters, and Fee Fishing Areas. Designated stocked trout waters are posted by the Department with appropriate “stocked trout waters” signs.

It is unlawful to fish in designated stocked trout waters after the daily creel limit of trout has been obtained or during the closed hours for taking trout. Once a trout is taken into possession by placing in the creel (basket, bucket, stringer, cooler, etc.) it becomes part of the daily creel limit and may not be released (culled). It is unlawful to feed, bait, or snag trout in designated stocked trout waters. It shall be unlawful for any person fishing in designated stocked trout waters to use more than one rod, one line, and one baited hook (a treble hook is considered one hook); however, any combination of artificial lures is allowed.

It shall be unlawful to use seines and nets in designated stocked waters, except that a hand-landing net to land fish legally hooked may be used in all waters.

Daily Trout Stocking Schedule

For daily trout stocking updates during stocking season, check the Trout Stocking Schedule on this website or call (434) 525-FISH (3474).