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Shenandoah National Park & Blue Ridge Parkway Waters

Blue Ridge Parkway

Fishing is prohibited from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise. No live or dead fish or fish eggs may be used as bait. Digging for worms is prohibited. Special creel limits and other regulations for Parkway waters may be posted.

Shenandoah National Park

Only single-point hook artificial lures may be used—no bait. On those streams open to harvest, the creel limit is 6 trout per day with a 9-inch minimum size for brook trout and a 7-inch minimum size for brown and rainbow trout. On all other streams open to fishing, catch and release regulations apply. The release of any brown trout back into any Park stream is prohibited and brown trout less than 7 inches must be disposed of within the Park but away from Park streams, roads or trails. This is an effort to limit the impacts of brown trout on the native brook trout populations. Contact the Shenandoah National Park at 540-999-3500 for the annual list of streams open to harvest.