VPA-HIP Landowner Application | Virginia DWR

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VPA-HIP Landowner Application

  • Check all that apply. More types of access may increase success of the application.
  • Funding for habitat enhancement is available through this program. This could include managing open areas to keep them open, (mowing, disking), removing non-native and invasive plant species (herbicide, burning, mechanical removal), and promoting primarily native plants. Note that planting of annual crops (food plots) will not be offered in this program.

Evaluation Criteria

Properties containing wetlands enrolled in WRP or WRE will receive priority consideration. The Agency in its sole determination shall select properties deemed most beneficial to the intended purposes of the VPA-HIP funding. Properties shall generally be evaluated using the following criteria:

  1. Wildlife and Habitat: 30%
  2. Location and Access: 30%
  3. Recreational Beneefits: 40%

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