Virginia Department of Wildlife ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Prescribed Fire Contractors

Prescribed Fire Contractors – 2020
Name Location Phone Number
3 Rivers Forestry Tappahannock / Northern Neck 804-445-5774
H & H Forestry South Hill 434-955-2202
Aylor Forestry Chase City 434-372-5370
Wilbert Dahlem Roanoake Rapids, NC 252-535-1583
Summerfield Forestry Ebony 804-894-1985
Taylor Harvie Amelia 804-839-0039
Green Man Forest Management Warrenton 703-357-2403
Clearwater Environmental Services Shaklefords 434-774-7613
Watts Woodland Services Charlotte Courthouse 434-736-9845
Southern Woods and Wildlife Statewide 804-514-3852
Sustainable Solutions, LLC Statewide 202-746-1649
Wildland Forestry and Environmental, Inc. Southside Virginia 919-414-8046