Virginia Department of Wildlife ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Wildlife Habitat Contractors

Wildlife Habitat Contractors
Name Area Phone Prescribed Burning Habitat Plantings Disking Warm Season Grass Establishment Forestry Mulching Drum Chopping Herbiciding Other
North End Landscapes North West / Greater Hampton Roads 757-491-0100 X X X X X
Allen Meek Southwest 540-980-6440 X X X
FDC Enterprises, Inc. Statewide 866-270-4833 X X X
Wildwood Grove Forestry Southwest 704-351-5105 X X X
Watkins and Company, Inc. Central 434-977-2510 X
Watkins and Company, Inc. Central 434-981-1505 X X X
Southern Woods and Wildlife Statewide 804-514-3852 X X
Hilltop Seeds, LLC Statewide 814-594-2966 X X X
Wildland Forestry and Environmental, Inc. Southside 919-414-8046 X X X X X X X X
James’ Crews Company, Gary Kline Wildlife Services Southeast / Central 434-969-2800 X X X X
Aaron Tammi Statewide 540-430-5696 X X X X
Clearwater Environmental and Forestry Southeast / Central 434-774-7613 X X X X X X X
Shenandoah Habitat Shenandoah Valley 540-471-8345 X X X X
Piedmont Land Management Northwest and North Central 434-242-5878 X X X X
H.R. Carver Southside Central 336-592-0547 X X X X
Virginia Wildlife Habitat Cooperative Statewide 540-672-2542 X X X X X X
Bredder Land Management Statewide 434-987-0951 X X X X X X