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Virginia Wildlife Grant Program

In October 2010, the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) and the Wildlife Foundation of Virginia (WFV) created a mutually beneficial relationship for the purpose of developing new or enhanced fundraising projects and managing funds to implement projects which aligned with the missions of the DWR and the WFV. Funds to support the Virginia Wildlife Grant Program (VWGP) come from:

Grant Conceptual Focus

Through this grant, DWR and WFV are connecting youth to the outdoors through recruitment and retention. Recruitment is creating awareness and interest in an outdoor activity and most importantly, providing a first-time or trial experience of that activity. Retention is defined as efforts or programs that will support and encourage youth to continue participating in an outdoor activity in which they are currently engaged. Effective recruitment and retention efforts provide participants with learning experiences to increase their interest and participation in the outdoor activity. By providing support and opportunities to overcome barriers and learn new skills, participants will gain confidence to continue the activity even after the program is completed. To learn more, see the DWR R3 Strategic Plan.

Our History

From 2014–2020, We Funded 199 Programs in These Categories

  • Archery $49,300

  • Boating/Paddling $43,000

  • Fishing $87,650

  • Hunting & Shooting Sports $70,900

  • Wildlife Viewing $123,700

2021–2022 Award Summary

Overall Stats

Award Submissions Launched: November 15, 2021

Award Submissions Concluded: December 15, 2021

Award Decision: January 14, 2022

Total Number of Submissions: 98

Total Awardees: 23

Total Award Amount: $184,680

New for This Year

This year we added college and universities to our list of possible applicants, as well as continuing to support non-profits. In line with the mission of the DWR Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan, we wanted to focus on providing assistance to under-served communities such as:

  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
  • Low income
  • Foster and kinship care
  • Persons with disabilities

Total Award Amount by Applicant Type

Colleges $65,000 8 Schools in Total

Non-Profits $120,000 15 Programs in Total

Award by Activity Type

  • Archery $$12,600

  • Boating/Paddling $51,400

  • Fishing $44,600

  • Hunting & Shooting Sports $13,600

  • Wildlife Viewing $62,400

Projects Funded in 2022


Organization Grant Amount
SWVA Sportsmen $7,500
Two Rivers Archery Club $5,200


Organization Grant Amount
Shenandoah Outdoor Adventure and Recreation Program $9,500
Virginia Commonwealth University Outdoor Adventure Program $10,000
Adventurers of the Shenandoah Valley/Girl Scout Council of the Nations Capital $9,900
James River Women $10,000
Verdun Adventure Bound $10,000
Sweet Briar College Outdoor Program $2,000


Organization Grant Amount
The Humble Hikes Program $10,000
Defensores de la Cuenca $5,000
Shenandoah Reel Woman $6,500
T.C. Williams Youth Sport Camps, Intl. $7,100
TrailsforYouth.Org $6,000
Beyond Boundaries $10,000


Organization Grant Amount
Delta Waterfowl University Hunt Program — VA Tech $6,600

Recreational Shooting

Organization Grant Amount
George Mason University $7,000

Wildlife Viewing

Organization Grant Amount
University of Lynchburg Outdoor Leadership Program $10,000
Hampden-Sydney College $9,800
Virginia Tech, Fish & Wildlife Graduate Student Association $10,000
James River Association $9,700
New River Land Trust $7,000
The Child Care and Learning Center $5,900
Wildrock – Explorers Club for Black Youth $10,000
The Outdoors are Better Together Virginia DWR Wildlife Foundation of Virginia