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Brunswick Lake

Lake Brunswick in Brunswick County is an excellent panfish lake with abundant bluegill and redear in “keeper” sizes. Crappie populations are abundant, and they average about 10 inches. It is also a good largemouth bass lake with good numbers of bass over 15 inches and a few fish over 20 inches. The lake also has some healthy-sized yellow perch. There are a few homes around the lake, but DWR owns a 20-foot strip of land around the entire shoreline, which is open to the public.

Access Permit Requirement

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) requires an Access Permit for visitors to department-owned Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) and public fishing lakes, who are age 17 and older, unless they possess a valid Virginia hunting, freshwater fishing, or trapping license, or a current Virginia boat registration. Learn more about the Access Permit.

Maps & Directions

This 150-acre DWR-owned lake is located east of Edgerton, just north of Route 58, via Route 638. Map



Biologist Reports


  • Largemouth bass: 14–18 slot, 5 per day (all bass 14 to 18 inches must be released unharmed)
  • Sunfish: no size limit, 50 per day
  • Crappie: no size limit, 25 per day
  • Channel catfish: 15″ minimum, 8 per day

The following are prohibited on this property: Outboard motor use, swimming, open air fires, trotlines, littering, sailboats, alcohol, fishing tournaments involving prizes, waterfowl hunting, trapping without permit, and camping.

More Information

For more information on Brunswick Lake, please contact:

Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
107 Foxwood Drive
Farmville, VA 23901