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Crump Park Pond

Crump Park Pond is a 2-acre impoundment in the heart of Crump Park in Henrico County. The pond serves as popular destination for the public that visit this Henrico County Park. Crump Park Pond is managed as a channel catfish pond and is stocked annually. Additional fishing opportunities for sunfish and largemouth bass exist. The pond is more suited for young children or a family outing than your die hard bass angler. This shallow water fishery has some limitations, but can provide high catch rates of sunfish to keep young anglers interested.

Maps & Directions

Crump Park Pond is located on Courtney Road, northwest of Richmond at Glen Allen. From I-295 take Route 33 (Staples Mill Road) east and turn left on Mountain Road and watch for signs on the left. Map










best bet

The latest electrofishing survey on May 1, 2019 revealed limited diversity with 6 fish species collected. The collection revealed an abundance of bluegill with fish ranging in size from 2 to 7 inches. The majority of bluegill were in the 4 to 5-inch range. The survey collected a limited assortment of redear sunfish with fish ranging in size from 2 to 8 inches. Three distinct year classes of recruitment were easily identified on the length frequency distribution. The largemouth bass population appears to be comprised primarily of juvenile fish less than 12 inches in total length. The survey collected a total of 23 largemouth bass, with only 5 bass being greater than 12 inches in total length. The largest bass measured 19.96 inches with a weight of 3.8 pounds. This fish was most likely a post spawn female that lost a lot of weight during the spawn. The survey collected one 9-inch black crappie, two channel catfish at 14 and 15 inches, along with a 20-pound koi. Fishing access to the pond is through bank fishing only. No boats are allowed in Crump Park Pond. The platform deck provides anglers a place to fish from. Plenty of open shoreline area allows anglers to scout out additional fishing spots that might be holding some larger fish.

Biologist Reports


Channel catfish averaging 1/2 pound each are stocked annually. Five catfish can be harvested per day per angler with a minimum size limit of 15 inches.

Regulations for all other species are as follows:

  • Largemouth bass – 18 inch minimum; 1 per day
  • Bluegill and redear sunfish – no minimum size; 50 per day in aggregate
  • Crappie – no minimum size; 25 per day.

Facilities, Amenities, and Nearby Attractions

Nearby Attractions


  • Fee
  • Parking
  • Handicap-Accessible
  • Food Concession
  • Picnic Tables
  • Grills
  • Restrooms


  • Hiking Trails
  • Bike Trails
  • Viewing Blinds
  • Observation Platforms
  • Fishing Pier/Platform
  • Boat Ramps
  • Motorboat Access
  • Horsepower Limit
  • Electric Motor Only
  • Paddle Access
  • Camping
  • Primitive Camping Only

There is a playground, picnic shelter, hiking/nature trail, and restrooms available for family or group-use year-round.

More Information

For fisheries information, please contact:

Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
(804) 829-6580 ext. 126

For additional information about Crump Park, please contact:

County of Henrico Recreation and Parks
P.O. Box 27032
Richmond, Virginia 23273
Phone: (804) 501-7275