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Lake Mooney

This new 520-acre reservoir opened to public fishing on July 1, 2017.  The fish community has matured to the point that angling can be supported.  The lake experienced a protracted filling operation and finally reached full pool in early 2016.  The lake name (originally Rocky Pen Reservoir for its impounded stream) was changed to honor the late Stafford Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jason Mooney.  The reservoir is steep sided and deep with moderate residential development along shorelines and features abundant submersed brush and rocky outcrops.  Several fish habitat structures were also constructed in winter 2015 (which are currently unmarked but should be marked during 2017).  Mooney is a water supply for Stafford County.

Maps & Directions

Take Route 17 north from Fredericksburg, turn left onto Banks Ford Parkway, and right on Greenbank Road.  Stafford Parks and Recreation access is at 500 Greenbank Road, Falmouth, VA 22406. Map










Lake Mooney was stocked with primary warmwater species between 2014 and 2016 including Bluegill, Redear Sunfish and Channel Catfish.  Black Crappie and Largemouth Bass naturally colonized the filling reservoir from inundated ponds.  Stafford County impoundments are not known for productivity, and Mooney is no exception.

Relatively clear, slightly tannin-stained water combined with the protracted filling process to result in a predator heavy community featuring Largemouth Bass and Black Crappie stockpiling at smaller sizes.  This means a potentially high level of success in terms of catch rate (quantity) but not necessarily good quality at this point, although bass over 18″ were sampled during electrofishing in May 2017. Harvest of any size Black Crappie up to the state creel limit of 25 per day is encouraged.

The lake’s fish populations are surveyed annually primarily to monitor Largemouth Bass size structure and forage base.

Biologist Reports

  • None available at this time.
  • Facilities, Amenities, and Nearby Attractions

    Nearby Attractions


    • Fee
    • Parking
    • Handicap-Accessible
    • Food Concession
    • Picnic Tables
    • Grills
    • Restrooms


    • Hiking Trails
    • Bike Trails
    • Viewing Blinds
    • Observation Platforms
    • Fishing Pier/Platform
    • Boat Ramps
    • Motorboat Access
    • Horsepower Limit
    • Electric Motor Only
    • Paddle Access
    • Camping
    • Primitive Camping Only

    More Information

    Access, (per location above) consisting of boat launch, park, and restroom facilities, is provided from 8 AM to 8 PM mid-March through October 31, and from November 1 through mid-March; access is available from 8 AM to 5:30 PM.  No swimming is allowed, and boat motors must be electric – no gas motors are permitted to be operated.

    For more information, call Stafford County Parks and Recreation Department, 540-658-4871 or DWR, 540-899-4169.