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Oak Grove Lake

Oak Grove Lake Park is owned by the city of Chesapeake. At 70 acres, Oak Grove Lake is a sizable, public freshwater waterbody in Hampton Roads. The lake is a reclaimed “borrow pit” and is characterized by having steep-sloping banks and relatively clear water. Multiple fishing and observation piers are conveniently located around the lakes’ shoreline. The park also has an excellent walking trail all the way around the lake as well as a playground and picnic areas.

Maps & Directions

Oak Grove is located in Chesapeake and is located on Byron Street, just off Volvo Parkway.










Being a reclaimed “borrow pit” with steep sides and clear water can create difficult conditions for fishing but DWR biologists have been actively working to improve this fishery over the years.

Oak Grove has been stocked for many years with Largemouth Bass and Bluegill. In recent years, the stocking of Channel Catfish has created another fishing option at the lake. These stockings, as well as the creation of much needed fish habitat, have created a good fishery for beginners or pros! Using the typical bobber and worm is a great option to provide plenty of action from hungry sunfish. Bluegill congregate around the fishing piers, where DWR biologists have also deployed discarded Christmas and other underwater fish habitat. However, plenty of sizable Channel Catfish are waiting to be caught if you remove the bobber and add a small weight and cast into the deeper water. Nightcrawlers, chicken livers or other typical catfish bait will work well!

Biologist Reports

  • None available at this time.
  • Regulations

    Currently, the city of Chesapeake does not allow private boats, kayaks or canoes in lake. The entire shoreline and all fishing piers are open for shoreline fishing (except the rip rapped shoreline adjacent to the Chesapeake Expressway/Hwy 168). Statewide fishing regulations apply. Catchable-sized Channel Catfish, in conjunction with the Urban Fishing Program, are stocked annually with a possession limit of 4, with no minimum size limit.

    Facilities, Amenities, and Nearby Attractions

    Nearby Attractions


    • Fee
    • Parking
    • Handicap-Accessible
    • Food Concession
    • Picnic Tables
    • Grills
    • Restrooms


    • Hiking Trails
    • Bike Trails
    • Viewing Blinds
    • Observation Platforms
    • Fishing Pier/Platform
    • Boat Ramps
    • Motorboat Access
    • Horsepower Limit
    • Electric Motor Only
    • Paddle Access
    • Camping
    • Primitive Camping Only

    The park offers a gravel walking/exercise trail, playground, portable restrooms and picnic areas. For more information contact the Chesapeake Parks and Recreation at 757-421-7151.