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Staunton Run

Staunton Dam is a 15-acre impoundment in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, which serves as the water supply for the City of Staunton. Staunton Dam was historically closed to fishing, but now is opened to bank angling only. Therefore, VDGIF and the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests have begun to more actively manage this fishery. Initial gill net and electro fishing samples revealed the presence of largemouth and smallmouth bass, bluegill, pumpkinseed, redbreast and green sunfish, rock bass, and channel catfish. No trout were sampled, although two trout management areas exist directly upstream.

Based on these samples, the fishery appears to be diverse and of good quality but in need of additional predators to help balance the abundant, slow growing sunfish. Therefore, northern pike and a few muskellunge were stocked in 1998-99 to monitor the potential for managing large pikes in this lake. The lake is limited to walk-in, bank fishing only. Channel catfish fingerlings have also been stocked to improve catfish angling.

Staunton Dam is on Forest Development Road (FDR) 95B off FDR 95 between Elkhorn Lake and Todd Lake. A parking area is available at the base of the dam. To access the lake, walk up the concrete steps on the left side of the dam. Bank access is via a somewhat rugged, primitive footpath only. No boats are allowed. The fishery is currently managed under statewide fishing regulations.

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Biologist Reports

  • None available at this time.