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Woodstock Pond

This 7.5-acre impoundment is located within the York River State Park. Known in its early history as Taskinas Plantation, the park was the site of a 17th and 18th century tobacco warehouse where local planters stored their crops to be shipped to England. The majority of the angling opportunities will come from decent populations of bass, bluegill, and redear sunfish that are present in Woodstock Pond. The latest electrofishing survey (4/23/2018) showed improved catch rates and a great population structure for bass. The largest bass weighed 6.63 pounds. There is a 15-inch minimum size limit for harvesting bass. Anglers can fish from numerous fishing piers and platforms around the pond. The park rents out row boats for anglers willing to try fishing other areas of the pond. The park caters for a wide variety of activities. There are bike trails, horse trails, hiking trails, picnic shelters, and an interpretive center. Organized group activities are also offered.

From I-64 take Route 607 toward Croaker, and then take Route 606 east to the park. For further information call the park office at 757-566-3036.

Maps & Directions

York River State Park can be reached by taking I-64 to Route 607 toward the town of Croaker. Then take Route 606 east to the park entrance road. The pond will be located just to the east of the main parking lot.



best bet







Woodstock Pond provides a unique opportunity for anglers to enjoy a small fishery with family or friends. Within a stones throw of the York River, Woodstock Pond allows anglers to catch largemouth bass and bluegill all within the same day of having a picnic with the family. A large portion of the shoreline is covered in thick brush. Shoreline anglers should concentrate their efforts off of the open areas on the dam and off of the small fishing piers. Boats can be rented from the park to allow for greater access around the pond. Anglers should contact the park at (757) 566-3036 to find out the availability of boats.

Largemouth Bass

Woodstock Pond offers a decent bass population for a small resource. The electrofishing survey of 2018 collected a total of 62 largemouth bass over the course of two sample runs. The 20 minute sample runs covered both the western and eastern shorelines for a combined effort of 40 minutes. The majority of the accessible shoreline was covered during the survey. The CPUE (Catch Per Unit of Effort) was 114 bass/hour. This catch rate showed a decline from the 2014 sample (CPUE = 161 bass/hour) which included a large number of juvenile bass in the August survey. The collected bass ranged in size from 5 to 22 inches, with a high densities of bass in the 10 – 12 inch and 16 – 20 inch ranges. The minimum size limit of 15 inches helps to protect fish from harvest. The survey collected a very impressive total of 26 bass greater than 15 inches in total length. The catch rate of preferred-sized bass was 47.8 fish/hr, which is the greatest on record for Woodstock Pond. These fish will provide the majority of the excitement for anglers and will hopefully be released to allow them to grow even larger over the next few years.


Woodstock Pond offers a fair to decent bluegill population for young anglers to try their luck. The electrofishing survey collected a total of 355 bluegill for a CPUE of 652 bluegill/hour. This catch rate showed a major increase from the 2014 sample (CPUE = 501 bluegill/hour). The bluegill length distribution ranged from 2 to 7 inches, with a large proportion of the sample consisted of fish in the 3 – 5 inch range. The sample revealed a fair number of bluegill in the 6 – 7 inch range. Anglers should expect to catch their fair share of smaller bluegill before catching some quality-sized bluegill.

Redear Sunfish

Woodstock Pond provides a decent abundance of redear sunfish. The electrofishing survey revealed an increased catch rate of redear sunfish. A total of 44 redear sunfish were collected for a CPUE of 80 fish/hour. This was an improvement from the 2014 sample (CPUE: 43 fish/hour). The majority of the redear sunfish were in the 6 – 8 inch range. The redear sunfish are not nearly as abundant as the bluegill, but they do provide a greater size structure that could be very enticing to some anglers.

Black Crappie

The survey yielded an increase in black crappie abundance with the collection of 132 crappie (CPUE = 242 fish/hr). A large increase was observed when compared to the 2014 survey (CPUE = 137 fish/hr). A high proportion of the survey consisted of fish in the 7 – 8 inch range. It appears that a large year class of recruitment has been pushing its way through the fishery. Three additional year classes were observed in low abundance. The largest black crappie measured 9.3 inches. Anglers should not expect to catch too many large crappie from Woodstock Pond. 

Additional Species

The electrofishing survey also revealed the limited presence of American eels and golden shiners. These species may provide some diversity every once in a while for anglers.

Biologist Reports


There is a 15 inch minimum size limit on bass.

No private boats can be launched.

All other species fall under general state regulations.


VDGIF fisheries biologists sampled Woodstock Pond on April 23, 2018. Electrofishing efforts were used to observe the fishery’s community structure that consists of largemouth bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, black crappie, American eel, and golden shiner. The survey revealed a strong largemouth bass population with an impressive catch rate of preferred-sized bass (≥ 15 inches). The survey revealed an abundance of bluegill and black crappie that should be very entertaining for anglers. The survey benefitted from catching the bass population still within a pre-spawn pattern. This allowed for a high proportion of the adult bass to be collected along the shoreline edge.

Facilities, Amenities, and Nearby Attractions

Nearby Attractions


  • Fee
  • Parking
  • Handicap-Accessible
  • Food Concession
  • Picnic Tables
  • Grills
  • Restrooms


  • Hiking Trails
  • Bike Trails
  • Viewing Blinds
  • Observation Platforms
  • Fishing Pier/Platform
  • Boat Ramps
  • Motorboat Access
  • Horsepower Limit
  • Electric Motor Only
  • Paddle Access
  • Camping
  • Primitive Camping Only

The York River State Park offers numerous trails, picnic areas, and outdoor activities. The boat rental area is located near the upper end of the pond. The fishing platforms and piers are located near the dam. The interpretive center provides an interesting look at life in and around the York River.


VDGIF fisheries biologists sampled Woodstock Pond on April 23, 2018. Electrofishing efforts were used to observe the fishery’s community structure that consists of largemouth bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, black crappie, American eel, and golden shiner. The survey revealed a strong largemouth bass population with an impressive catch rate of preferred-sized bass (≥ 15 inches). The survey revealed an abundance of bluegill and black crappie that should be very entertaining for anglers. The survey benefitted from catching the bass population still within a pre-spawn pattern. This allowed for a high proportion of the adult bass to be collected along the shoreline edge.

More Information

For more information on Woodstock Pond, please contact:

York River State Park
5526 Riverview Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188
(757) 566-3036


Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
3801 John Tyler Memorial Hwy.
Charles City, VA 23030

Phone: (804) 829-6580, Ext. 126