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Deer-Vehicle Collision Reports

During 2006-2007, the Virginia Departments of Transportation and Game and Inland Fisheries cooperatively investigated the use of a new technology to document animal-vehicle collisions in a pilot study. With broader application, GPS-enabled Personal Data Assistants (PDAs) will enhance our understanding of the magnitude and distribution of animal-vehicle collisions in the Commonwealth. To learn more, visit:

Other Reports

The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries was one of a dozen organizations involved in the development of a report on trends and prevention measures for deer-vehicle collisions in the Virginia, Maryland, DC area.

The working group recommends that immediate actions be taken by jurisdictions to create a seasonal awareness program centered on strong local public messages to include public service announcements on radio and local media coverage, to develop and deliver a comprehensive deer collision driver education package, and to support the creation of a standard for collecting and analyzing deer collision information that is to be implemented throughout the region. In addition, the working group requests consideration for recommendations on mitigation, planning and research as outlined in the September 2006 Deer Vehicle Collision Report.