(Peromyscus maniculatus nubiterre)
The Deer Mouse is a medium sized mouse with a total length of 166-200 mm, and a weight of 16-29 grams. The tail is over half the total length and is sharply bicolored. They have large eyes and are russet brown above and white below. Typical specimens can be distinguished from P. leucopus by the much longer and more sharply bicolored tail. There are 2-4 litters of 3-5 young/litter born between March and October. They nest under logs and stones and in the cavities of trees. This mouse is mainly nocturnal and usually has a territory of one acre. This species rarely lives above two years in the wild and is extensively preyed upon by owls, foxes, weasels, and minks.
This subspecies occurs in the western half of the state and is fairly common there. This mouse can be found in diverse woodland habitat.

The deer mouse’s diet consists of insects, fruit, nuts, and vegetation. Fruit and nuts are essential in the autumn while vegetation and fruit make up a large part of the diet in spring.