Little Grass Frog

Fact File

Scientific Name: Pseudacris ocularis

Classification: Amphibian

Conservation Status:

Size: Up to 0.75 inches

Distribution: This frog is found in southeastern Virginia, where it reaches the northern range limit. It inhabits moist grassy areas near ponds, bogs, pools or streams in hardwood forests, pine savannas and wooded swamps.

Identifying Characteristics

Coloration of this small frog is variable with base color shades of tan, brownish, greenish, pink, to reddish. There is a dark line passing through the eye and onto the side of the body. There is usually a narrow dark mid-dorsal stripe starting as a triangle between the eyes and extending to the anal region. The snout is pointed and there is typically a light line along the lower jaw. The belly and chest are usually whitish or yellowish.

Did You Know?

This is the smallest species of frog in the United States.

Role in the Web of Life

This species can be active both day and night. Breeding occurs from January-September in grassy areas including roadside ditches, cutovers, meadows, emergent shrub wetlands, and flooded pastures. The advertisement call is a tinkling, insect-like call set-see, set- see, which is too high-pitched for some people to hear.


Tier IV Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Virginia’s Wildlife Action Plan

Last updated: March 23, 2021