Fact File
Scientific Name: Hyla femoralis
Classification: Amphibian
Size: Up to 1.5 inches
Identifying Characteristics
This small frog is commonly deep reddish brown in color but may be gray or greenish gray. There are distinctive grayish white, orange or yellow spots on the inner thighs that can only be seen by extending the hind legs (bottom photo). The blotchy markings
on the back are variable, but do not form an ‘X’ that is characteristic of Spring Peepers. Like some other species of frogs, Pine Woods Treefrogs can quickly change color and pattern.
Did You Know?
This is a highly arboreal species and has been known to climb 30 feet into the canopy of a tree.
Role in the Web of Life
This species breeds from April-September in shallow grassy pools, roadside ditches, cypress ponds, Carolina bays, flooded forests, and swamps. Their advertisement call is a series of low pitched dots and dashes that sound like Morse code.
Species appears to be secure in Virginia.
Last updated: March 23, 2021