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Southern Cricket Frog

Fact File

Scientific Name: Acris gryllus

Classification: Amphibian

Size: Up to 1.3 inches

Distribution: In Virginia, this frog is found only in the southeastern Coastal Plain. It inhabits primarily lowland areas, such as ponds, bogs, and riverine swamps, but may be found around streams and ponds in more upland areas.

Identifying Characteristics

Among the smallest frogs in Virginia. The base color is variable with black, brown, reddish, green or gray coloration. The pattern is also highly variable with various streaks, dashes, dots, and lines, and often a triangle-shaped mark between the eyes. There is a complete dark stripe on the concealed surface of the thigh between two well-defined light stripes. The snout is more pointed and the amount of webbing on the toes is less than that of the Eastern Cricket Frog. Skin is somewhat warty.

Did You Know?

To escape predators, cricket frogs can jump more than three feet, which is 30 times their body length.

Role in the Web of Life

This species breeds from April-August in almost any shallow freshwater habitat. The eggs are attached to vegetation or strewn on the bottom. Their advertisement call is similar to that of the Eastern Cricket Frog.


Species appears to be secure in Virginia.

Last updated: March 23, 2021