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Guinea Marsh WMA

Located on the southwestern shore of Mobjack Bay in Gloucester County, the Guinea Marsh Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is a prime example of the area’s scenic marshland. The management area offers the opportunity to hunt the marshes, fish the surrounding waters, or view a vast array of water and shore birds. The Guinea Marsh WMA is predominately tidal marshland, divided into five parcels totaling approximately 728 acres. All the tracts are bordered by the brackish waters of Mobjack Bay, Browns Bay, and several creeks including Long Creek and Kings Creek. Limited forested high ground occupy portions of the area farthest inland. Maintained primarily in its natural state, there is little in the way of active management or development on this area.


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There are good hunting opportunities for waterfowl and clapper rails, with some opportunities for other game species. Waterfowl hunters hunting from floating blinds must be aware of any adjacent licensed stationary waterfowl blinds and maintain the required 500 yard distance from these blinds. Waterfowl can be hunted anywhere by hunters physically occupying the DWR property (i.e., not floating).

All tracts of Guinea Marsh WMA are open to hunting with seasons and bag limits consistent with state regulations and Gloucester County ordinances. The only parking available is at the end of Kings Creek Road.

The Guinea Marsh area is both a breeding and wintering area for black ducks, mallards and Canada geese. Other puddle ducks frequenting the area during the winter include gadwall, widgeon, pintail, and teal. Diving and sea ducks including bufflehead, ring-necked ducks, scaup, scoters, ruddy ducks, long-tailed ducks and mergansers are found on adjacent open water. Deer and rabbits are common and furbearers including muskrat, red and gray fox, raccoon, opossum, mink and river otter are also on the area. After the waterfowl season closes, there is some limited opportunity for trapping furbearer species such as muskrat and raccoon.


Saltwater fishing opportunities include those for striped bass, flounder, gray and speckled trout, croaker, bluefish, and black and red drum.

Other Activities

The area offers excellent birdwatching opportunities. In addition to the waterfowl, a wide array of other birds including bald eagles, osprey, grebes, loons, herons, egrets, shorebirds, and songbirds can be found on the area at different times of the year.

Hiking, camping, and campfires are not allowed.


A parking area at the end of Kings Creek road offers a limited opportunity for shore fishing, hand carry boat launching and wildlife viewing. NO TRAILERS ALLOWED due to extremely limited space. No parking is allowed anywhere else on the WMA.


To reach the area from U.S. Route 17 in Gloucester take Guinea Road (Rt. 216) east for 3.6 miles, continue on to Kings Creek Road (Rt. 653) for 2.6 miles to parking area at end of road.

Recreational Opportunities

  • Hunting
  • Warmwater Fishing
  • Horseback Riding Prohibited
  • Birding
  • No Camping