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Mink Farm Tract


This 425-acre tract is adjacent to the Doe Creek Wildlife Management Area and is composed primarily of managed pine stands.


During the archery deer season, the Mink Farm Tract will be open for upland game hunting with archery tackle only. Long bows, recurve bows, compound bows and crossbows are all permitted. Archery tackle may be used to take any legal species in season. No deer hunting with dogs is allowed.

During muzzleloader season Mink Farm will be managed under a quota hunt system along with the adjacent Doe Creek WMA. At the conclusion of Muzzleloader Mink farm will be open to archery deer without quota restriction.

Spring Turkey hunting at the Mink Farm Tract will be managed under quota restriction along with the adjacent Doe Creek WMA.

Outside of Quota Hunts, Mink Farm is open to Small game and Furbearer hunting without restriction.

No hunting may occur within 50 yards of any marked property boundary without written permission from the adjacent landowner. Permission to hunt within 50 yards of the Doe Creek WMA boundary is deemed to be granted.


Parking for this site is available at the adjacent Doe Creek WMA. Check the Doe Creek WMA website for more information.

Other Activities

Under the terms of the lease agreement only upland game hunting is permitted. No camping or open fires are permitted in this property.


Physical Address for Driving Directions:
19399 Mink Farm Road, Onancock, VA 23417

Please contact the DWR Region 1 Office with any questions: 804-829-6580